A Ray of Hope

It was definitely chaotic, as the dignified people of the Dukedom of Kyros decided to return to their military roots to channel the soldiers in them.

You'd think they were starving or excluded, but each one actually received a decent share because Luca didn't want anyone to go without.

So, what exactly were they fighting for?

One might not understand, but their Young Lord sent over three flavors.


But if each one only got a piece, then it would be impossible to taste all three. 

In front of them lay boxes with the following labels: original crispy chicken, soy garlic, and spicy chicken.

And everyone will be damned if they don't get to taste them all. 

At first, they wanted to share because the duchy was filled with people who valued each other. 

Well, provided nothing like this fried chicken existed. It was unexpected, but suddenly, years of brotherhood went out the window the moment they tasted it.