Mecha Reconstruction

They did study.

By the time Kyle looked for them to remind them of the time, he found the two shorties huddled together like they were trying to cover up a crime.

Granted, they were. But where was the trust between friends and comrades?

The two studious boys were initially just studying until Ollie noticed a critical issue: the material grading system was off.

And by a lot.

The training hall marked the top-grade materials of their world as low or medium grades when they were normally classified as top-grade mecha materials outside of the space.

They didn't actually notice this until they asked to practice building and repairing basic mechas, only to be given mechas that were definitely not basic.

But they couldn't get anything that was of a lower caliber and had no choice but to practice on mechas that were really above their non-existent pay grades.