To be perfectly honest, Theo felt like he would follow his father's and older brother's footsteps.
He thought he'd likely not return if he entered this particular guild base, given how suspicious it looked.
It was just that he didn't think it was because he wouldn't want to leave.
Noah felt a bit of doubt. Especially when that classmate, Kyle, sprung out to them out of nowhere, practically scaring Theo into jumping up.
"Oh, sorry about that!" Said Kyle with an apologetic smile.
"Theo Belgrave?" Kyle looked at the student, who flinched in surprise.
"And you're Noah from class, right?"
Noah was surprised that Kyle knew his name, or maybe it was because he did stupid things during the first half of the month.
If anything, he was worried that his tagging along would decrease Theo's chances, but even after waiting, Kyle didn't seem to show any violent reactions.