When Noah noticed Theo's hesitance, he had to nod over to him to encourage his friend.
The shack really looked sketchy but if this was how the people of DG rolled, then, really, they were likely Theo's last hope.
Especially when the people before them didn't flinch when his friend mentioned Kestrel Point, a known planet in the Contaminated Zone.
If anything, Noah was surprised to see Luca's eyes widening.
That couldn't be fear?
Was he a thrill seeker?
But no. He was a money grubber.
And the little money grubber's hand clutched at Xavier as he was so excited he felt like flying off the handle.
However, he returned to land the moment he heard about the mission objectives after Theo prefaced the mission's difficulty.
They were supposed to look for family members who went missing to find some Jade Vine for their ailing grandmother.