Chapter 84: A Fancy Breakfast… or a Trap?

Chapter 84: A Birds Dream & A Fancy Breakfast… or a Trap?

Meanwhile, Auri is learning many things from TV about humans. However, Nima treated him like an underling—a fact he deeply resented but was powerless to change. Running away was always an option, but no... he had a dream. A grand dream.

^~_~^ He would conquer Nima ^~_~^

In his mind's eye, he saw it:

Auri sat atop a golden throne, wings spread wide, basking in his newfound supremacy. Nima—yes, the mighty Nima—was serving him juice, bowing before his greatness. Lumo fanned him like a loyal attendant. Surrounding him were mountains of that precious "money thing."

And there was Kent, eyes filled with admiration.

"You did the impossible, Auri," Kent praised, shaking his head in disbelief. "I could never conquer Nima, but you—YOU tamed her. A feat even I could not achieve."