Chapter 85: Perverts, Problem, and a Master Plan

Chapter 85: Perverts, Problem, and a Master Plan


Jade nodded. Yes. She is still too young for a college admission.

Kent sighed. "Sounds annoying." I guess… I have no choice. 

Jade shrugged. "Sounds easier than paying a giant donation." You know when the cultivation college opens. All rich and big families, clans and other organizations will send their kids with huge donations. The government will choose the benefits option first. 

Kent tapped the table. "…Damn, he's got a point." He glanced at Nima.

Nima, who had been quietly boiling in rage, suddenly spoke up. "I. Don't. Want. To. Go. To. College."

Kent sighed. "Too bad. It's happening."

"You tricked me into coming here!"

Kent nodded. "And I'll trick you again if I have to."

Nima opened her mouth to argue—

Jade stole another plate of dumplings.

Nima snapped.