She Was What?

'I can't believe you wanted to make those potions just as a combat measure. That is ingenious, it's the first time in my life someone had thought of that tactic.' Kat leaned back in the bean bag and marvelled at Priscilla's imaginative mind.

'Yeah...of course.' It was a lie on her half, surprisingly her quick-crafted lie was bought by the skilled artisan. The potions were truly for a not-so-combat-inspired plan, rather, she was starting to grow annoyed that no one was hitting on her.

Lucia watched on, she knew Priscilla was lying but chose to keep her mouth shut for the moment, there was no point in ruining her fun this early. A childish smile crept along her rosy cheeks. 'So, what are we going to eat?' She pulled out her phone with a food delivery app already hovering over the McWitches fast food joint.

'Can I get a twenty-piece and two Big-Wacs? Oh Oh! And three sides of fries...maybe some mozzarella sticks too.' Kat excitedly jumped up and down, landing back onto the comfy bean bag. Priscilla stared in awe at how such a tiny girl could consume such a large amount of food.

'Well, could I get a Big-Wac and a side of fries?' Priscila sat up gracefully.

'No need to act so dignified, I know you would like the same as her.' Lucia punched in everything, the price breaking over 100 euros quite easily, but it was no issue for the richest witch.


Time flew, and a game of Monopoly had unfolded on the glass table, three clear glasses all filled with different liquids sat beside their corresponding drinker. 'You sure you don't want any vodka?' Kat questioned Priscilla's soda-filled glass.

'I am a little too young for that haha.'

'That doesn't matter here, drinking is legal if you are accompanied by a parent or guardian.'

' thanks.' Priscilla had no desire to consume the clear liquid. One time when she was younger she had drank from her father's flask thinking it was water, since then, the burn still echoed in her throat.

'Don't bother her too much. She is still getting accustomed to the craziness of the world. But she seems to be thriving in some areas. Have I told you about how she escaped from a veil cast by the Order of Lilacs? Isn't she simply the best?' Lucia puffed her chest out, and her loose clothes jiggled slightly.

'The Order of Lilacs? Weren't you-' Before the final words could escape her lips, Lucia shot a wave of bloodlust toward Kat. 'I see. Alright. Well yes, she is amazing, and do to it all so soon? A clear prodigy!'

Priscilla couldn't help but blush, her rosy cheeks hidden only by her transparent sleeves, and her eyes cast away with subtle glances back toward the two. Lucia continued on and on about Priscilla's recent achievements and fights.

Ding Dong

Ding Dong

The doorbell rang and the delivery boy stood quaking by the cast iron gate, he reminded Priscilla of herself, the fear of the paranormal and ghosts lurking at every turn in the dark complex.

Kat swiftly ran to the gate, picking up every last item of the order and carrying it around like a massive treasure trove. Her small frame was completely hidden by the countless bags of burgers, fries and sides the three bottomless pits ordered. 'This is going to be delicious, but don't you need to watch your figure before going to Patagonia?' 

'You don't have to worry about me, my metabolism is very fast so all of this food will not affect me in the slightest.' Priscilla raised an eyebrow at Kat. 'But won't YOU be affected? This food you ordered weighs the same amount as you.'

'Nothing a good nap can't fix. Plus, in the worst-case scenario, I will consume a beautifying potion and snap back into my summer body.' 

Lucia had already begun eating, paying them no mind, and in the end, she ended up ordering the most food for herself. 

'This food is truly the best! But after we finish this we must move onto more important matters!'

'Like what?'

'Our love lives!'