Chapter 5: ThunderBolt

While Testarossa And Yeon was making there way to the Underworld Garuda sent some of her Soldiers to the temple of heaven that keeps heaven from merging with the human world. While watching her clinic burn down she Flies down to the basement of the clinic and her work shop was still intact she started collecting the left over information. Garuda Started to wonder What Happened to Testarossa During there fight. She Was looking over her research about Aracanes and nothing mentioned Transformation this had Garuda very Intrigued about the true roots of the judgment Aracane. Once she finished collecting her research She rested in the basement to regain her energy before heading to the temple While Garuda was in deep slumber She felt her self in a Dream that was connected to the death Aracane. She saw a skull like head with a darkness Robe stand on a axe. Garuda walked towards it and with every step Garuda took the Aura from this creature was overwhelming slowing down Garuda movements. But she kept on walking in front of it the creature said " Before long death and judgment will clash again but the next time the Circumstances will be different" After the creature said that Garuda woke from her sleep gathered her things and set the basement one fire but then. She felt her Soldiers being killed off one by one Garuda opened up a Portal to the temple and when she got there she saw a mountain of Corpses All of her Soldiers where Slaughtered and on top of the mountain she saw a black and green haired one sitting on it with a dagger in her hand Garuda said "it's been Awhile hasn't it Master Jade". The battle between the Mother of veils and the human that mastered all forms of martial arts. The last thing Garuda remembers is jade sitting on a roof top wishing her good luck once she finished her training under jade but before Garuda left jade said "I wish you good luck In life Garuda but be careful if you go down the path of darkness I will hunt you down" Garuda brushed off the warning but she realised jade wasn't joking isn't gonna hold back and Garuda said "fine then master let's go all out"