Chapter 6: The Serpents Curse

Testarossa touched a stone like pillar and then the area around them and went black and Testarossa and yeon started falling and then they hit Solid Ground. There was A black Ocean beside them and a Tunnel on the other side but coming out of the tunnel a voice said "Testarossa Amelia and Yeon Ceil What busy do you have in my domain" Rinko Emerged from the tunnel standing in front of them. Yeon Explained the Situation to Rinko but Rinko refused to hand over the Sunken Crown and Said "Testarossa you think the sunken Crown will help you gain full control over your Aracane but you don't realise The Curse that lives within you and the Devil that lives within your Aracane" Testarossa Didn't understand anything that rinko was saying and said " What Nonsense are you talking about" Rinko laughed and used her Abyssal magic to chain Testarossa in place. She grabbed onto Testarossa face and said "The Curse that lives within you is the Primordial God Serpent that Absorbs Magic Energy and devours It. Then there's your Aracane of Judgment that boost that Serpents power. You Need to Accept Yourself And stop See yourself as a Failure you haven't even realised that one of your Eyes has changed colour to yellow if you don't gain control of yourself that snake will eat you alive" Rinko unshackled Testarossa and pushed rinko into the Abyssal water Testarossa start struggling and the water started pulling her in rinko said "this water is the core of the abyss it's also known as the water of rebirth but if you don't Accept yourself this water will consume you". While Rinko was Dealing with Testarossa Yeon Located Garuda and said "Garuda is at the temple of the heaven she gonna destroy the magical system that connects the heavens to the human world" Rinko said "The Guardian she be able to hold her off but it won't be for long Yeon you should head there I will send one my trusted Allies to you but it will be awhile before she gets there" Yeon Grabbed her things and before leaving she Asked who Rinko friend was and rinko said "I won't tell you there name but you know of there Nickname BloodySwords women" When she heard that Yeon Smiled and left the abyss