Another Fake

The team arrives back at the cortex when they see a familiar face walk in.

"Detective West, what brings you to S.T.A.R. Labs?" Dr. Wells asks.

Joe looks at Barry and points his finger at him. "When I couldn't find you at your lab, I started doing a little research. Turns out there have been reports of a red-and-white streak around the city, stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings," Joe says while giving Barry a burning stare.

"You didn't tell him we were working together?" Dr. Wells asks.

Barry shakes his head and looks at Joe. "Joe, I can explain,"

"You already have a job in law enforcement, Barry. I suggest you get back to it," Joe says.

"Detective, we all want what's best for Barry," Dr. Wells says trying to come to Barry's rescue.

"If you wanted what was best for Barry, you'd try to talk him out of this lunacy instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life," Joe says angrily.

"Joe, those people needed help. I couldn't just watch and do nothing, knowing that I could prevent something from going wrong," Barry says, trying to defend his actions.

"There are more people out there who are like me, Joe, Clyde Mardon, the man at the university today, people who are beyond common sense, and we need to stop the ones who cause harm," Barry says.

"Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast, that you're invincible? You're not! You are just a kid. My kid," Joe says and then looks at Dr. Wells while saying 'my kid'.

"Joe, I am not stopping. These people need help, the people of Central City need help, and I can help them. My team here can help them. If I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I'm gonna do it, so don't try stopping me," Barry says, getting a little serious.

"You think you're so smart? All of you. But you don't know what you don't know. And I hope that you're clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed," he says, pointing specifically at Barry and storms away.

"I am leaving as well. Meet you tomorrow, guys," Barry says and leaves as well. He needs to sort this out with Joe.


The next morning, Barry is at his lab processing the evidence he collected yesterday from the university and the van that was parked a little further away from it.

"Come to yell at me again?" Barry asks as he sees Joe walk in.

"Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night. The coroner took some skin samples. Hopefully, they belong to the killer," Joe says handing Barry over some more evidence. "See if you can find a match,"

"Can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night," Barry says.

"I'm going to interview Stagg now," Joe says. "I'll come with you," Barry says.

"Your job is in here, stay in here and do it," Joe says dismissing Barry. "Hey Dad," Iris walks in. "Hey Baby. Gotta go," Joe greets her and walks away.

"Why is my dad mad at you?" Iris asks. "Work stuff," Barry answers. He then turns and sees that Iris, too, looks mad at him. "Why are you mad at me?" Barry asks, confused.

"You were supposed to meet me at Jitters, to give me some scientific background for my article," Iris says. "*sighs* -And I didn't show up," Barry says. He completely forgot about it after he had his argument with Joe.

"And now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment," Iris says.

"Iris, I am sorr-" "Don't say that you're sorry. Okay, I know that you are. What I don't know is what is going on with you. We grew up one bedroom down from each other. Do you honestly think that I don't know when you are happy or sad or depressed or lost?

I am gonna ask you one last time, Barry Allen, and you better be honest with me. What the hell is going on with you?" Iris asks, annoyed.

Luckily, Barry is saved from her questions when his computer starts beeping, getting their attention. "We are not done talking about this," Iris says.

Barry heeds her words no mind as his attention is on the result of his test.

"That's impossible. There was a murder last night. These skin cells belong to the murderer, but these cells are naïve. Stem cells that they can replicate and become any cell the body needs. They only come from babies," Barry says.

"This means your killer is what, a newborn?" Iris asks. "Obviously not. How can a baby kill a full-grown man? This is something else," Barry says. 'And I think I know what,' He thinks.

"I need to get this to Joe," Barry says.


Barry exits his lab and walks down to find the precinct in chaos. Officers are rushing out in a hurry.

"Captain, what's going on?" Barry asks seeing Captain Singh putting on his bulletproof vest.

"Not now Barry. Armed gunmen are shooting up Stagg industries," Singh says, and leaves.

"Joe's there," Barry says and gets worried. He immediately returns to his lab to collect his suit. He puts it on and zooms out. Destination Stagg industry.


Joe is currently taking cover behind barrels of metal as his shooters continue to get closer to him.

Suddenly there is a gust of wind. A red and white streak runs past the shooters, taking away their guns before stopping next to Joe.

"Joe, run," Barry says, looking at Joe. "No!" Joe immediately rejects. With no other option, Barry grabs Joe and takes him away from the scene.

Barry brings Joe outside the factory. Joe is surprised by the sudden change in scenery. He sees Barry in his red suit. "Barry wai-" Before he can say anything, Barry runs in and stops right before the three men.

"Whoever you're, give yourself up. You don't need to make this hard on yourself," Barry says.

"Sorry, we are not going anywhere," """Until Simon Stagg is dead""" all three of them speak up.

"Well, I'm not gonna let you, but just one more question. Are you three real or just clones?" Barry asks.

"It's you. You were the one who stopped us yesterday," The one in the middle says.

"Well, then you know I can stop you again, so be wise and surrender," Barry gives one last warning.

"We will see about that," the one in the middle speaks again making Barry believe that he is the prime, so Barry immediately attacks him at super speed.

He punches the one in the middle first and then shoulder-tackles the other two before they could move even a single muscle. It really isn't fair to get in a fistfight with a speedster.

The three of them are knocked out before they even know it.

And once again, Barry watches the three bodies decompose and turn into dust. None of them were prime.

Barry immediately begins running around, trying to search every corner of this factory to see if Prime is anywhere around. But no, he can't find him. He is operating from somewhere else.