[3rd POV]
Time had passed since Morgan had begun to train Sona and her peerage, around 2 entire weeks at that. During that time, the group had progressed rather splendidly, growing at impressive rates, even to Morgan. Sona herself had grown the most of them all, after Morgan had begun to give her one on one training sessions involving tactics, leading, and strategy.
During this time, Morgan had sent her peerage out to wipe out all the fallen angels in the nearby towns, wiping out around 25 of them, each around low to middle class in power, and all of them being involved with Kokabiel. Had she not had them dealt with, she knew that they would eventually come back to attack when Kokabiel himself got involved.
Besides that, Morgan had been preparing herself for the eventual gain of a new "Fanon" she could get, as that would be the primary one she'd be hoping for in the future, especially if it was a universe like Fairy Tail or My Hero Academia. The latter was solely because of the sheer variety of power that she could get.
At the moment Morgan was visiting Kuoh Academy, why? Because she had a rather important meeting, as after two weeks of training with Sona, Rias Gremory had finally gotten in touch with her. The teen most likely noticed the difference that was beginning to grow in Sona's peerage, and was hoping to get in on some of the training as well. And considering she wouldn't have Issei anymore, she'd desperately need it.
Walking through the back of the school, Morgan was heading to the Occult Research Club room, where Rias and her peerage was based out of.
Walking towards the large building that was hidden by trees and had vines running alongside it, she knocked on the front door.
Waiting for a few moments, Morgan watched as the door began to creak open, and a teenage boy opened the door. This teenager was Kiba Yuuto, the only knight of Rias's peerage, and the user of Sword Birth. He was also the only survivor of the Holy Sword experiments that involved a lot of experimentation on children, and a whole lot of death.
"It is nice to formally meet you, Lord Zagan, I am Kiba Yuuto, Rias-sama's knight. Please follow me, my King is waiting for you" Kiba said with a charming smile, as he motioned for Morgan to follow. Morgan raised an eyebrow at the teen before smiling and following after him.
After a few moments of walking, they made it to the door of the main office of the building, as Kiba opened it.
Almost immediately, Morgan noticed the other three individuals in the room. Not only because of their immense beauty, but also because of the powers they each had.
First, was a short, petite 18 year old that stood at the tiny height of 4'6. She was munching on some chocolates as she boredly sat on the couch. The thing that really caught Morgan's attention was the latent power that the girl had, it was...impressive, even to her. This girl was in fact, Shirone, now known as Koneko Toujou, the younger sister of Kuroka, and the only other living Nekoshou, she was also Rias's rook.
The girl had her tails and ears hidden, as she hated her nekoshou side, all because she thought that her sister had gone berserk and killed their "Master". She didn't know the truth of it, not yet at least.
The next girl that Morgan noticed was a drop dead gorgeous 18 year old that stood at the height of 5'6. She had an incredibly impressive...figure, especially in the chest area, with assets that were even larger than Morgan's peerage members, with only Yasaka being bigger in that aspect. This girl was Akeno Himejima, a half devil half fallen angel hybrid, the daughter of one of the highest ranking members of the Grigori, Baraqiel, and the daughter of the deceased Shuri Himejima, who was a member of the Himejima family of Kyoto. She was also the Queen of Rias's peerage, and her right hand woman.
Similarly to Koneko who hated her nekoshou side, and Kiba who hated all things related to holy swords and God, Akeno despised fallen angels. This was because of her father, who had seemingly abandoned her and her mother when they were being attacked, leading to her mothers death. This isn't the truth of course, but she didn't know any better. Thus, she had become...quite racist towards Fallen angels.
The final teen in the room was the one that truly caught Morgan's attention more than the others. This teen was...even more alluringly beautiful than Akeno, with assets that rivaled her, bright crimson hair, and a strong power that Morgan could feel just from looking at her. This was Rias Gremory, the sister of Sirzechs, the King of the peerage, and the wielder of the power of destruction, inherited from her mothers side, who was born a Bael. The teen, unlike the others, didn't have any sort of traumatic background, and instead, simply wished to get free from her engagement to a certain fire chicken. She was also by far the strongest person in her peerage, and was even stronger than Sona.
'...I can see why canon Issei went so crazy over them, they're gorgeous!' Morgan thought, not afraid to admit that they were incredibly attractive, on par with her own peerage members. They had their own charm to them, just as her beloved peerage members did.
"It is an honor to meet you in person, Lord Zagan" Rias spoke out loud, giving the woman a small curtsy.
"None of that here, Gremory-san, I've got no interest in all the noble speak. If we were in a noble setting like a ball, I would, but not here" Morgan waved her off, not wanting to deal with that noble crap again. She could care less for all of it, except, as she said, when it was in a setting like a ball or something of the sort.
Giggling, Rias replied "I see, Sona said you weren't one to follow the norm. But either way, it's nice to meet you, Morgan-san"
"And you as well, Rias-san" Morgan replied with a small smirk of her own.
"Ara~ Ara~ Already hitting it off with the new sensei, aren't we Rias-sama~" Akeno purred at the side, a hand placed against her cheek with a giggle. Rias rolled her eyes at her Queen, before motioning for Morgan to sit across from her.
"Do you know why I asked to meet with you, Morgan-san?" Rias asked, as Morgan nodded.
"You wish to join Sona in the teachings, correct?" Morgan replied, Rias nodded in response.
"Yes, I-I've noticed the growth that her and her peerage has been undergoing in the past two weeks and I-I think that sort of growth would be good for my peerage, especially with-with-" "Your engagement to the fire chicken? Yeah I know all about it, little Gremory. I'm not exactly fond of that family, so I don't mind teaching you and your peerage" Morgan cut her off, nodding as she knew.
"Truly? I-thank you! What would you like as payment? I couldn't do such a thing without repaying you!" Rias exclaimed, a bright smile forming on her face at the thought of the training. If it meant she could beat the snot out of that man, then she would gladly train with Morgan.
"Nothing needed, Rias. I've already got everything I could ever need" Morgan waved off the offer, as she truly didn't need anything from Rias.
"But-" "No but's Rias, training a peerage to beat the snot out of the Phenex brat is already reward enough. Even if it will be a bit more challenging with your peerages composition" Morgan replied, not letting Rias offer anything more.
"Challenging?" Rias muttered, as Morgan answered.
"An heiress that doesn't know just how powerful her innate ability is, a half devil half fallen angel, a nekoshou who doesn't seem to want to learn her roots, and a teen who has some serious emotions bottled up. Like I said, challenging" Morgan replied bluntly as their eyes widened.
"How did you-" "Sona didn't tell you how powerful I am, did she? There's a reason why Serafall asked me to teach her sister, Rias. Sensing something like the energies of a nekoshou and fallen angel, and the emotions of someone else, is rather easy for me" Morgan cut her off, as Rias breathed out.
"Look, from what I can tell, your peerage has incredible potential, even higher than Sona's with the brat with a Vritra gear. But I can also see that your peerage has some serious things they need help working through, like your Queens hatred of her fallen angel side, the Nekoshou's misunderstanding of what and how her power works, and the kid who looks like he's going to try and kill me" Morgan continued, Rias listening silently.
"What do you mean by misunderstanding?! My sister-" "Your Koneko, right? I've done research on all of you. And from what I can tell, you don't seem to understand how senjutsu works. While it is true that you can go berserk by misusing it, for someone as experienced as your sister, who had previously worked with Senjutsu in the past, something like that wouldn't affect her mind. Had you used it, you would have gone berserk. But from what I can tell from my research, your sister had used the power enough to know how to block out the malice that can potentially come with using it" Morgan cut Koneko off, explaining just how Senjutsu worked, and pointing her in the direction of the truth.
Kuroka herself would have to explain the rest, but at the very least, this would make Koneko begin to rethink things about her sister, and more than anything, help her overcome the fear of her power.
Glancing to the other two, she sighed at their glares "As for you two...it'll be better if I beat it into you during our training, especially the pretty boy over there"
Rias during all of this was silent, listening wide eyed at the explanation on senjutsu, as she truly had no idea that's how it worked, and especially not the fact that Kuroka likely could already control it.
"Anyways, I'll start training all of you in a couple of days, alright? We train every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'll be making specialized training methods for each of you to work on your weaknesses, and build on your strengths. And perhaps even teach some of you about the power that you possess, and why you shouldn't fear it" Morgan said, giving Koneko a meaningful look before looking back to Rias.
"I...you're rather blunt, aren't you?" Rias said, sighing as she massaged her forehead, not even sure what to say anymore.
"I am. But I've found that being blunt works especially well with blockheads who need to understand the truth of things. Which is exactly what the three behind me need. That, and some gentle compassion and understanding, but that'll come in our one on one sessions, not in the public eye" Morgan said, giving the two of them a small nod, and a soft look, understanding that their backgrounds were tragic, and needed to be treated carefully.
The three of them all went silent at this, understanding that Morgan just wanted to help, but their trauma was deep rooted, and made them rather aggressive when it was talked about lightly.
"I see...just...don't go overboard please? My peerage is my family, and I don't take kindly to people hurting my family" Rias said, giving the woman a serious look, her eyes glowing a soft crimson color as Morgan chuckled.
"Trust me Rias, your peerage is going to be taught well, as will you. Afterall, you are going to need to learn how to use that power of yours in some more unique ways if you want to defeat the Phenex chick in a battle" Morgan replied with a wide eerie grin, as Rias couldn't help but shudder, as one thought made its way into her mind.
'...Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?'
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That's the end of the chapter!
Basically just a talk with Rias and that's about it. Next chapter will be the official start of canon though, so you can expect her to get her next fanon to pull from!
Anyways, have a good day!