[3rd POV]
The last days before canon had passed, as Morgan had prepared herself the best she possibly could, getting to nearly Satan Class levels of power, getting nearly every member of her peerage to Ultimate Class, with Lint and Zekka finally getting to the lowest levels, while Jeanne had risen to "Peak" High class and Valerie had risen to "High" High Class, making her peerage one of the strongest in the entire Underworld.
During these last few days, she had mostly spent her time training Rias and Sona's peerage, as well as them. She found that making friendly competitions between the groups had worked wonders, and had improved their growth massively.
Her progress in teaching Akeno and Kiba was...slow, as the two were deeply scarred by their past, and it would take more than a couple of weeks to help them with that. While Koneko had gained a bit more progress, as she had managed to talk to the girl about Senjutsu, and even got a look at her kitten ears and tail, which was...adorable, especially the cute purr that escaped the girl when she petted her head. Said petting had become commonplace and whenever she went to the Occult building, she usually climbed onto her lap and asked for pets and snacks, which Morgan somehow always had.
She hadn't even gotten to Gasper yet, which was an entirely different bag of worms that she'd have to deal with later on. The boy had some issues, but thankfully she had Valerie who in this universe was his best friend, and an older sister figure to him, as they did know one another a long time ago.
With the coming of canon, completion of all the preparations she could make in the time she had, Morgan was currently sitting in her office, watching as the time ticked on by to midnight of the day canon officially begins, as she smiled. The day that Issei who had recently started to go to Kuoh Academy, would get approached by the fallen angel Raynare, and the day everything would begin.
But for now, Morgan leaned back, as she felt the fanon maker begin to activate, and decide upon the next universe she'd be able to pull from, and in this case it was....
My Hero Academia
A world of quirks and heroes. A world that was...not very strong, but had a LOT of very helpful abilities that when combined with her Devil blood, would become truly incredible in power, especially the powers that could help her regenerate quicker, aid in adaption, and other passive quirks.
The quirks ranged from small minor things like increased senses, to abilities that could obliterate islands and beyond, especially in her hands. For with the demonic energy she had, it was highly likely that they would be several times stronger than they normally would have been.
With this, she could feel the fanon maker begin to activate, as she seemed to have 5 uses of the bat, all specific for MHA. A gift of sorts, or perhaps stockpiled ones that only now were "Claimed" by her ability. Either way, Morgan was excited to see what she could get.
[Auxiliary Heart | Quirk - The Auxiliary Heart gives the user a second heart that acts a biological nuclear reactor. When in use the user generates and compresses heat inside their own body like a furnace, stoking it to produce thermal energy that then circulates throughout their body, to drastically increase their physical abilities. The amount of boost is directly controlled by the user and is represented as stages: Auxiliary Hearts enters its next Stage and its effects become even stronger and more noticeable, changing their body into a more vicious state. The user can become stronger through rigorous exercises. Strength training hardens the body allowing the user to endure more power to circulate through the body. The user can also use Cardio exercises to build up the second heart for more power output. Created by Unknown]
[Dictionary | Quirk - Dictionary (辞書 Jisho) is a Mutation-type Quirk that allows the user to understand any language, dialect, code, etc., just by reading or hearing a few sentences of it. They do this through an extremely powerful form of deductive reasoning granted by Dictionary, which allows them to think thousands of times faster than normal, but only when linguistics, cryptography, or something similar is involved. Through the use of this Quirk, the user can even accurately predict unknown parts of a language and its creator if enough examples of said language are first given. Whenever Dictionary is used, the user's mind is essentially put into overdrive. Because of this, the more the Quirk is used, the more tired the user will be afterwards. Their thoughts become more and more scrambled, their minds fuzzier. With light use of Dictionary, these side-effects will go away over time (usually about an hour), but with extensive use, the user will generally have to sleep for a while in order to become better (which is easy since the Quirk makes the user more tired). Created by Zendichez]
[Nature | Quirk - This quirk allows the user to become "one" with nature. Animals will feel calmer and more attracted to the user than some other. Any plant the user touches will become healthy and grow at an unbelievable rate The user can also completely blend in with the surrounding wildlife and plantlife. Created by Boss18212]
[Blackheart | Quirk - This Quirk grants Leonid a second layer of blood vessels that are highly elastic and flexible. Leonid can control all blood flow within themselves, and can have the second layer of blood vessels leave the body and act like tendrils. Leonid can shape these tendrils into practically any shape he desires, be it offensive or defensive. Each tendril can reach great distances, simply due to the length of each of them. These tendrils cannot be pierced through by normal means, and can only be cut if they are cut in a scissor-like motion. When a tendril is cut, it will regenerate, but it takes thirteen minutes to do so at the very most. Controlling his own blood flow is another ability granted to Leonid by his Quirk. By doing so, Leonid can increase his physical strength and speed to far beyond that of a normal human. Leonid has been shown to be able to cover 100m in the span of a bit over four seconds, a testimony to the speed granted to him by increasing the blood flow to his legs. Doing this requires finite control, something Leonid has from all the time he has spent by himself, locked away in his own room. His Quirk is not without its weaknesses. If a tendril is hit with an immense amount of force, it will most often slow down or flinch backwards, the distance proportionate to the force it felt. Over usage of this Quirk causes great fatigue and can lead to internal bleeding]
[Poisonous Anatomy | Quirk - It turns every part of the user's body, including all her bodily fluids, her hair, her nails and skin, and even her breath, into deadly poison. This deadly poison is over 10 times more poisonous than botulinum toxin and is transferred through contact, resulting in death to living things that touch her skin and bodily fluids. It is also possible for armaments that are made up of poor materials or of subpar quality to corrode instantly when coming into contact with her poison. Towards individuals with high poison resistance, the user is not able to "kill them by simply touching them", but it is more than possible to cause them pain that weakens their movements. It is also possible to cause them damage and terrible affliction-like symptoms if they happen to come into contact with her mucous membrane, such as through oral means, etc. It is generally death for any being that comes into contact with her mucous membrane for a total of "three times" including those resistant to poison. As a more positive side-effect of her quirk due to the fact that her body quite literally is essentially a lump of poison she is also immune to any and all poison including her own. As such she is a rather potent counter to other poison users in combat as she is entirely unaffected by their attacks. Thanks to the influence of the users various other abilities, they can now perfectly control this Quirk, choosing who to not poison with it. Created by Unknown]
As these new quirks were assimilated into her form, Morgan leaned back into her chair as she felt a burst of power in her chest, as the "Auxiliary Heart" began to form. This Heart was more than just a simple quirk though, as thanks to the influence of her demonic energy, she could tell that it was...more.
'...It seems my demonic energy has mixed in with it, massively boosting the quirk beyond what it should have been. But..it looks like that's the same with Poisonous Anatomy and Blackheart as well. My demonic blood is changing it, and it seems the "Power of Kings" clan trait is now infused in this new heart of mine, multiplying it's capabilities by like...several times over again' Morgan thought, as she clenched her fist, feeling the new warmth in her chest, the Auxiliary Heart already safely assimilated into her.
'The new poisonous part will be...incredible, especially in physical combat. As something like that could kill most devils that are High Class and below, but combine it with Lethal Stigma, and it would even work on Ultimate Class beings, and probably even weaken a Satan Class being, even if only a little bit' Morgan thought, remembering that lethal stigma could increase the severity of all wounds, including things like poisons, diseases, and illnesses.
With the new quirks assimilated, Morgan glanced at the time, before sighing "Might as well get some shuteye, and tomorrow I'll have Issei begin her mission involving Raynare. And hopefully, maybe, I can recruit Asia"
Asia was a target of hers for becoming another one of her Bishops, thanks to the healing capabilities she had, healing that only Valerie could possibly surpass or rival, and her healing was a lot more specialized and proficient in large groups than Valerie was, not to mention not nearly as draining as hers was. That, and Asia was an adorable little thing that deserved some proper friends. She'd feel a little bad for Rias, but the training she is giving her more than makes up for that.
'At the very least, Raynare and her little group will be dead by the time Asia comes to town. Asia won't be dying in this universe, that's for sure' Morgan inwardly promised, as she didn't like the idea of Asia dying, so she wouldn't let her.
"For now though, let's get some sleep, the rest will come in the next few days" Morgan said as she got to her feet, and left for her bedroom, ready to get some shuteye, knowing that her peerage was all waiting for her to join them.
[The next morning]
Sitting in the living room, Morgan sipped on some morning coffee as she watched Issei, Lint, and Zekka get ready for school. The three of them all went together, and made sure to go at separate times so nobody would realize that she did in fact have more peerage members.
Morgan wanted to keep that a secret until she got at least Asia in her peerage, and preferably once she was 100% Satan Class in power, without using the power of her Sacred Gears. Once she was at that level of power, she was certain she could properly defend her peerage from anyone barring the 4 Satans and above, and even then, should she go out, only Ajuka and Sirzechs would be a true threat to her, and those two were still well beyond her in power, at least, for now.
Super Class devils could likely destroy the entire world should they go all out, or at the very least, most of it. And they were in the top 10 of the entire world in terms of power, so not exactly something she could realistically fight just yet, especially not Rizevim and his ability to make Sacred Gears useless. No, it'd take a new fanon to give her the ability to break into that level, that, or a massively powerful sacred gear.
"So master, what're we doing for the day while Issei is gone? Maybe some funtime alone~" Kuroka purred as she leaned against Morgan who just rolled her eyes at the cat, long since growing used to the teasing that the woman constantly put her under.
"Well for one, we'll be wiping out the last remnants of stray devils and rogue fallen in the nearby cities, after that we'll see, I was thinking of going out to the movies or something" Morgan responded, inwardly snorting as every head in the room snapped to her, all of them looking at her in interest.
Every single one of them wanted to go on what would essentially be a date with her. "But~ I'm not sure who to take? Perhaps whoever is the best and takes the most out will go with me?" Morgan mused as a grin formed inwardly, finding the reactions of her peerage to be hilarious.
They all looked at each other with narrowed eyes, sparks flying as they all wanted this date, as if it went how the ones with Yasaka's tended to, one of them would become their masters in all forms, and that was one of their greatest wishes. Especially in the case of Kuroka, who very much wished to be mated to Morgan like Yasaka was, as the older woman had teased her with the fact a lot now, and it was making it hard for Kuroka to not just jump her master and make her take her there and then.
"I'll be the one to get that da-movie!" Valiana exclaimed as she got to her feet, racing out of the house without a second thought, with almost the entire rest of the peerage joining soon after.
"Bu-But I can't" Issei pouted, as Morgan looked at her.
"Since you're going to school for me like a good girl, you'll get a movie night in a couple of days" Morgan responded, smirking at the cheer that her little Red Dragon Empress had shown, which also included mutters about "Seeing Masters Oppai" and some other perverted speak about her.
"You'll get yours too, Lint, Zekka, should you want it" Morgan offered as Lint blushed slightly and nodded, while Zekka beamed at the offer and nodded too, as like well...everyone in the peerage, she had a huge crush on her King.
"Now go on and get, you don't want to be late to school. And don't forget to watch out for the fallen angel, Issei, if she offers a date, take it, and we'll take care of the rest" Morgan added, as her pawn nodded, grumbling about going on a fake date, as she only wanted to go on a date with her master and her oppai.
'Satan she is one strange little pervert' Morgan snorted as the girl walked out of her home, the other two following soon after, but not before giving her a wave, with Zekka even giving her a kiss on the cheek as she blushed adorably and ran off.
Sipping on her coffee, she began to read through one of the ancient texts she had in the library, one that she previously couldn't read. But thanks to the new Dictionary quirk she had been rapidly learning the language, and could now read all the books that were in it. It was some ancient devil language from the days of old, when Devils were newborn and not knowledgeable in terms of their own power.
There were a few dozen other books that would now be readable for her. Glancing at the time, she smiled as she leaned back in her couch, a sigh escaping her lips as she softly muttered to herself.
"For now though...let's enjoy the silence alone"
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That's the end of the chapter!
Next chapter will have quite a bit happening and won't have any Fanon Maker usage.
Anyways, have a good day!