Chapter 25: The Fallen Angel

[3rd POV]

"So she asked you out on the date like I thought?" Morgan asked, staring at the annoyed looking Issei.

The girl had just gotten back from school, after being asked out on a date by "Yuuma" aka Raynare, the fallen angel that would have killed Issei in canon. She would also be the one to lead to the death of Asia, causing her to be reincarnated into a devil in Rias's peerage. The woman was one of the fallen angels that worked with Kokabiel, and was a rogue fallen angel, even if she herself didn't even know that.

"Yeah, but she didn't even bother hiding her energy, like, it was so obvious that she was a fallen angel! The stupid skank even tried using her oppai to lure me, too bad that only masters Oppai appeal to me now!" Issei exclaimed with anger, as Morgan sweatdropped, while Ddraig, who was within Issei's sacred gear, cried at the fact that this girl of all people was his host.

"No complaining, my little pawn, after all, you're getting a date out of this, aren't you? And all you need to do is go on a single date with Raynare, and that'll be that. After that, we can wipe out the Fallen Angels in Kuoh and you'll get your reward" Morgan replied, as Issei pouted.

"Yes, well, a date is good, but that doesn't mean I have to like this!" Issei exclaimed in an exaggerated manner, as Morgan just chuckled amusedly at her pawn who was very obviously trying to get more out of her reward.

"Trust me, Issei, the date will be more than worth it~" Morgan said with a smirk, as Issei blinked several times, a bright blush dusting her cheeks in understanding, as Morgan pat her head.

"Now, go on and get to your study time, you've gotta keep up with the others, after all" Morgan said, as Issei grumbled slightly, before walking off.

"You can come in now" Morgan called out, as Issei left her office, and Lint walked in.

"So, how was school today?" Morgan asked Lint, sipping on her tea as Lint sighed.

"The knight of the Gremory Peerage challenged me to a fight again today. I denied him, obviously, but I'm pretty sure he's picked up on the fact that I'm at least High Class in power. You'll probably have to deal with Rias asking about that part, sorry" Lint said with a slightly apologetic look, not sure if Morgan wanted Rias and Sona to know yet or not.

The two heiresses were...quite behind in terms of political knowledge. So while they knew that Morgan was powerful, and had a longinus user in her peerage, one that had never been used by a devil before, they didn't know how strong Lint was, only that she was a good swordsman with a powerful sacred gear that was especially effective against devils.

"That's fine, Lint. I was expecting them to find out sooner or later either ways, and them knowing that your at least High Class won't change anything, except them becoming more interested in you and I" Morgan responded, waving off the concern, as it wasn't a problem for them to know.

"But what if they try something?" Lint asked, as Morgan snorted.

"Lint, they won't. I'm their sensei, they should know by now that I'm a hell of a lot stronger than them and their entire peerages combined. That and Sona wouldn't do anything with how close Sera and I are. Trust me, Lint, we'll be fine" Morgan responded, not even remotely nervous about that idea.

They'd never do something like that against Morgan, not when they know the consequences. That, and it would be very out of character for the two of them to do something like that, especially in the case of Sona.

"Alright boss, whatever you say" Lint replied with a sigh, understanding that Morgan trusted the two of them to not try anything stupid. But being a knight of her peerage, it was only right she would worry about this sort of thing, which Morgan found to be rather cute.

"Anything else happen at school?" Morgan asked Lint, who hummed and shook her head.

"Not much, just worked out with the Kendo club again, and then did my homework during class. Oh, and Rias had been looking at me rather creepily a few times, but I'm pretty sure that's just her being interested in me being your knight" Lint replied after a few moments of thought.

"Hmm, alright, next training session I'll talk to her about that. But I'm glad nothing too crazy happened, besides Issei getting asked on a date by that fallen angel" Morgan said, pleased.

"You sure it's a good idea for Issei to go on a date with her? Wouldn't it be easier to just off her and the rest of the fallen angels in town?" Lint asked, as Morgan shook her head.

"I'd have done that, but we don't have reasonable cause for doing such a thing. As the Lord of House Zagan, I need a proper reason to kill her. Her attacking Issei will be that cause. And once she does, we'll wipe out the fallen angels in the city, including Kokabiel if we can find the bastard" Morgan responded with a shake of her head.

"That...makes sense. This way Grigori can't throw a fuss about it, as you had a good reason to off them, and should they try to start something, Serafall can cite that as reasonable cause, with it being self defense and all" Lint replied, nodding in understanding.

"Exactly. Now, is there anything else you need?" Morgan asked, as Lint looked at her for a few moments, before blushing slightly.

"U-Um, when could we have that d-date?" Lint asked with a small stutter, as Morgan cooed at how adorable her knight was. She liked to head headstrong and like a tomboy, but in actuality, she was rather adorable when with Morgan, as was most of her peerage. Although there wasn't a single member that wasn't adorable in Morgan's eyes.

"Hmm, how about after we deal with Raynare? I'll go on the date with Issei first, and then a day or two later, we can have ours" Morgan proposed, as Lint nodded, trying to hide her excitement for a date with her King. Like the rest of the peerage, she was very much in love with Morgan.

"Th-that sounds good" Lint squeaked slightly, blushing.

"You're adorable, love. Now, why don't you go and get into something comfortable? We're doing a movie night tonight" Morgan said, as Lint's eyes lit up and she nodded, before scurrying off, ready to watch a nice movie with her friends, and her king.

'Tonight should be fun!'


That night was pretty fun, just relaxing with her peerage, watching a couple of movies while being cuddled up against by her peerage. She had even managed to get Yasaka and Kunou to visit and the little girl had decided that her lap was the best spot to sit, while Yasaka sat on her right. Kunou had yet to outright call her anything parental, but the two had grown pretty close.

It was already after school, and at the moment, Morgan was silently watching as Raynare and Issei went on a date together. It was going swimmingly thanks to Issei being a surprisingly good actor, hiding the fact that she absolutely hated her life at the moment.

While watching, Morgan had noticed that Rias's people weren't watching or had handed out a flier like in canon, meaning, she wasn't going to try and turn Issei against her will, something that Morgan was pleased with, as it meant that she was probably not one of those "Manipulative" Rias's. Although she was sure that the girl would take advantage of her natural charm once she started to get closer to her.

'Looks like she'll be trying to kill her soon. The real question is if I should off Raynare, or go down the route of making her my maid or something? I suppose having a fallen angel on my side would be nice, but having someone like her in my home is...not something I enjoy the idea of' Morgan thought, humming as she contemplated whether or not she should kill the woman, or capture her.

'I guess I could just capture her and decide what to do with her in the future. That way I can see if it's possible to make her a member of my peerage, or perhaps just a maid' Morgan thought with a sigh, deciding that would be for the best. As while she didn't like the woman all that much, she couldn't deny that she would be useful, and more than that, had some genuine potential.

'That, and I'm pretty sure she's got no idea that she's being manipulated by Kokabiel right now. Nor does it seem like she actually wants to do this' Morgan thought, sensing the emotions of Raynare. Issei didn't like her, for obvious reasons, but now that she was close enough, Morgan could tell that not everything was as it would seem.

'For now, we'll watch and see how this goes. With how Issei is feeling, it looks like she's starting to notice that Raynare isn't entirely evil either' Morgan thought, as she silently followed them, hoping that she could potentially get a new pawn for her peerage, an unexpected one, but one that she found would be welcome.


After a couple of hours of watching the date, Raynare finally started to lead Issei towards where she would kill her. The date itself had gone well, with Raynare not noticing how uncomfortable Issei truly was, as Issei began to notice more and more what was happening.

Watching them walk to the fountain, Morgan sighed as she began to listen to Raynare speak.

"I-I'm sorry Issei but...would you die for me?" Raynare spoke out loud, as a soft glow covered her form, as her wings appeared behind her.

Upon hearing this, Issei sighed "Yeah, not gonna happen lady. I don't know what happened and who is making you do this, but I'd rather not die. Especially not with my masters Oppai waiting for me!" Issei exclaimed, as Raynare's eyes widened, an unseen force pushing her to the floor as she tried and failed to get to her feet.

"Wh-what's happening?!" Raynare exclaimed, as Morgan walked out of the trees, before looking down to Raynare.

"I don't appreciate those that attempt to harm a member of my peerage, fallen angel. And while I don't understand why you're doing this, I can only assume that someone higher up is ordering you to, even though you obviously don't want to do this. So, I'll spare you, instead of death, you'll be coming with me" Morgan said simply, as Raynare looked up at her, groaning as the gravity slightly lessened on her.


"Why what?"

"Wh-why only capture me? Most devils would kill me for this" Raynare coughed, as she was still on the floor, but not being forced under gravity anymore.

"Because I understand that you're being manipulated by Kokabiel, who is likely making it seem as if Azazel had given you this order, when that man wouldn't do such a thing, especially not in the Gremory Heiress and Sitri Heiresses territory" Morgan responded simply, as Raynare's eyes constricted, understanding soon hitting her, as she began to realize that she was lied to.

"For now I'll be sending you to my home, where you will be restricted to one room. Wait for me and we'll have a proper chat, alright? And don't try to flee, for I will know" Morgan said, as Raynare fearfully nodded, as a gleaming demonic circle formed under her, and she was teleported off.

Watching this all, Issei couldn't help but ask "Why keep her alive? She knows that I'm a member of your peerage, wouldn't you want to end her?"

"Nomally I would. But I've decided recently that my peerage needs some more variety, and I think a Fallen Angel could be perfect. She's probably the best option I've got at the moment, at least, the best option that won't immediately try to kill me. That, and I feel bad for her" Morgan replied with a shrug, as Issei deadpanned.

"It's also because she's hot, isn't it?" Issei asked, as Morgan looked at her, before replying with a very serious look on her face.

"Yes, yes it is"

Issei just sighed at her king, before blinking as she realized something.

"Does this mean we can go on that date?"

"Yep, we'll go this weekend, just you and me~" Morgan said with a teasing smirk, knowing that Issei was VERY excited for the date.

"Yosh! I can finally see masters oppai!" Issei exclaimed, while Morgan snorted, as she had one final thought on her mind, as they decided to teleport off home with Issei.

'Let's hope I don't regret this...'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be the official recruitment of Raynare, as I decided that she would make a good Pawn, and I think adding the fact that she was being hardcore manipulated by Kokabiel would be a good idea, so...yeah.

Anyways, have a good day!