In a world ravaged by a mysterious meteor and its corrupting aftermath, humanity clings to life in Vetheris City, the last stronghold on Earth. The deadly Necrovores, creatures born from the corruption, threaten its fragile existence. To defend against this growing terror, the Syntharcs—elite superhumans enhanced with cutting-edge technology—stand as humanity’s last line of defense.
Sirius Ariti, a quiet security guard by day, takes on a far darker role by night, known only in the shadows as "Xaldris." As a masked hitman, he navigates the murky underworld of Vetheris, executing ruthless jobs for those who can afford his services. But as the city teeters on the brink of destruction, Sirius's dual life begins to unravel, forcing him to confront the true nature of the chaos that plagues both the city and his own past.
In a world where corruption lurks at every corner, who can you trust when your only allegiance is to survival?