Vault Heists & Other Totally Normal School Activities

After classes, we reconvened in my room, because apparently, that was just our designated conspiracy headquarters now. Not that I minded, but at this rate, I was going to have to start charging rent.

Mara had practically steamrolled her way inside the moment classes ended. Ronan, as usual, just appeared—I had stopped questioning how he always managed to show up at exactly the right time. It was like he had some kind of Caidan proximity detector installed in his brain.

"So," I said, dropping into my chair with my arms behind my head. "How was everyone's day? Learn anything fun? Maybe a lighthearted discussion on ethics in summoning? Oh, wait—ethics don't seem to exist in summoning."

Mara pinched the bridge of her nose. "Caidan, can you please just focus?"

"Wow, you almost let me get through my very funny opening banter." I placed a hand over my chest, feigning love–though it wasn't a real feint–. "Are you—dare I say—starting to accept me?"