The plan, if you could call it that, was simple. Mara would sneak into the secret meeting like a normal, functioning student, while Ronan and I would break into a highly secured vault to steal–er, relocate– an artifact for a professor who was probably plotting his own villain arc. You know, just a standard school night.
Mara, being the responsible one, had obviously raised concerns about how absolutely insane this idea was. But after much debate (which mostly involved me insisting we'd be fine and Ronan staring blankly in agreement), she finally caved.
"Will this really work?" she asked, her tone laced with concern while she adjusted her cloak as we neared the east wing. "You're doing a vault heist, Caidan. A vault heist."
I grinned. "Hey, you're the one willingly walking into a cult meeting. Don't act like you've got the morally superior job here."
She shot me a glare. "At least I won't get expelled if I'm caught."