Why was it next to them? And how long was it standing there?
Lillian quickly glanced up towards Marionette and saw she was also expressing a similar expression, except hers wasn't mixed in with fear.
It seemed that Marionette was also shocked at its presence.
The Catacomb Dweller stared down at them with an ominous aura around it.
Its hands and legs that were once erratic paused, becoming calm like a still ocean.
Marionette then suddenly knocked Lillian away from her.
Lillian watched as her body tilted back, and an arm coated in blood passed by her face in a split second.
Its fingers were straightened, uniformed, and shaped like a blade.
The Corrupted Cockroach launched its first attack.
Its arm then snapped towards Marionette, speeding towards her.
Marionette backed away with a serious expression, watching as the Catacomb Dweller's hand quickly approached her abdomen.