Timer's Countdown and Sudden... Tripping? (edited)


Marionette dodged to the side, avoiding the devastating blow that would've left her without a head.

Her dark arm flicked between solid and gas before eventually settling on its current form, acting as her arm.

She tightly gripped the hilt with both hands before swinging it arm diagonally.

The detailed illustrations etched into her silver blade depicted a vibrant sun with a spiky exterior that glowed a burning orange.


Lillian watched as Marionette's scorching longsword rose upwards, colliding with the Cockroach's shell-covered arm, which was missing a hand.

It bit deep into its dark shell and even managed to make contact with its flesh, igniting it and its crimson blood.

With a twist of her wrist and the turn of her blade, she tore through its arm, causing it to fly through the air in a trail of searing flames.


Lillian stared at the Cockroach's flaming stump that burned with a deep orange flame.