We had two days of reprieve before the downpour started again.
I hated the rain for the sole reason that it threw wrenches into our plans but Nadine seemed to like it and there wasn't much I could do about that.
When she thought I wasn't looking, I would find her seated by the window watching the ran fall. I could tell she desperately wanted to be out there , standing under the rain and pretending that everything was fine but unfortunately, it wasn't something she could do.
The last thing we needed was either of us falling sick right now.
She understood it, but it didn't mean she liked it.
We found a room in the basement where we could train. The rain covered up most of the noises and Nadine was getting a lot better.
Hand to hand combat was still not her strongest skill, but now, she would have a fighting chance, even if it was miniscule.