Jennifer did not like me.

I wasn't looking to be liked by her, but I would have preferred that we were civil at least. We were unfortunately living together for the time being and I had to be confident that she wouldn't try to smother me when I wasn't paying attention.

They only arrived yesterday and she spent most of her time with Dan- who I hadn't gotten the chance to see since he came in. He was taken to the guest room where he had been since.

For the most part, Rowan acted as a buffer between Jennifer and I, but that didn't stop her from shooting me death glares whenever she could.

"She looks like she is planning ways to stab me in my sleep," I whispered to Rowan who just glanced over his shoulder at her before shrugging.

"She won't get to you."

"You don't know that."

"You sleep in my bed, princess, she won't come near you, you can trust me on that."