The battle had ended.
Argolaith stood on the last remaining wyvern, its massive form still thrashing beneath him, desperately trying to shake him off.
The sky, once filled with chaos and blood, was now eerily quiet, save for the frantic beating of the wyvern's wings.
It knew it had lost.
It was afraid.
Argolaith looked down at the creature, his mind racing.
How the hell was he going to get down?
He could try jumping, but from this height, if he missed landing on another corpse, he'd break something—or worse.
Then, a thought crossed his mind.
Could he just ask the wyvern to land?
He frowned, his grip tightening on his sword.
Could wyverns even understand human language?
Or would it just look at him like he was insane?
Kaelred, watching from the ground, called up to him with a snarky tone.
"How are you going to get down from there?"
Argolaith sighed.