Kaelred rubbed his temples. "Okay. Sure. Why not. Let's add 'undead lich with a pet in a shadow realm' to the ever-growing list of things that I shouldn't be surprised by."
Argolaith grinned slightly.
Kaelred then turned to him with a deadpan expression.
"Please tell me you aren't actually going to eat his tea and cookies."
Argolaith glanced at him.
"Of course I'm going to eat them. What kind of guest would I be if I didn't?"
Kaelred stared at him. "A sane one."
Argolaith smirked. "Besides, I'm hungry after the battle earlier."
Kaelred sighed deeply, already dreading whatever madness was about to unfold.
And with that, Malakar opened the door to his home.
As the massive doors to Malakar's home creaked open, Argolaith and Kaelred stepped inside—and froze.
Their eyes widened as they took in the sheer magnitude of what lay before them.