
Tryphon's first instinct when he heard the screams was to shoot an arrow right through the heart of whoever it was that had the guts to disturb his sleep.

He didn't know how long it had been since he slept off. But he knew it was not long enough to rest from all the exhaustion of the previous day.

"Ahhh!" The loud screams continued. Followed by a bouncy feeling on his bed!

But those screams.

They sounded so familiar.

Blue eyes.

Golden hair.


His eyes shot open immediately.

And there she was, bouncing on his bed, screaming.

He looked down to see what it was that was making her scream.

What stupid soul would make the mistake of attacking her in his bedroom.

Flames surrounded his palms and he was ready to burn the fool.

Then he stopped.


He raised a brow.