
The foggy dense air was thick, enveloping the goblin village. Several lit up candles were stationed on lamps at windows, porches, even roofs of houses. What was once a quiet environment turned into chaos, in such a short timespan.

Several handmade houses that looked like tents and huts, comprising of wood and grass were completely destroyed. Some buildings made of a bit better materials, didn't also go unscathed. Suffering attacks all over.

"Retreat!" A goblin yelled, fear lingering in it's eyes staring at jack. He couldn't quite determine what the latter was, as his aura didn't seem like that of beast or creature.

Seeing their commander of the east wing fleeing, the rest lesser goblin soldier took to their heels. But it was already too late.

One by one jack mercilessly killed a goblin, moving to the next. With a wave of his rusty dagger, followed the cry and thud of a goblin.