Goblin king

'I have to think fast or am dead.' Jack gritted his teeth, his mind racing on possible ways to defeat these goblin knights. Unlike usual normal knights, they had a much more bulkier frame.

And they weren't that skilled in the art of swordsmanship, or handle weapons. Relying on their brute strength, and those skull crushing Warhammers.

Leaping back, jack shot two arrows at a charging goblin knight by the right. It pierced the armour and chest, but didn't inflict much damage like he'd anticipated. Sidestepping feeling his senses spike, an object crashed into his previous location.

'Boom!' The ground shook a bit, impacted by the huge Warhammer. Which looked to be stuck in it.

"Now's my chance." Taking advantage jack shot out two blood balls, hitting the goblin in it's arm. He'd aimed for it's eyes, seeing it was the most vulnerable and least protected spot, giving it a better chance of penetration.