Transported into the magical world of Harry Potter, Vizet discovers he possesses an Obscurus, a dangerous and volatile magical entity. Harnessing its power with the help of ancient magic, he receives an invitation to Hogwarts from none other than Albus Dumbledore.
Before embarking on his magical education, Vizet is sent to live with Luna Lovegood's family, where his extraordinary journey begins.
----- Disclaimer -----
Other than refined text and slight edits, everything else belongs to the original creator.
There seems to one more edited version of the original text in WebNovel but it hasn't been updated in a while.
Original Creator: Rui_Chen_3499
Sorry but I have to rate myself 5 stars 😅
A good novel with constant updates, btw who is the heroine?
An interesting story. Quite fun to read. Give it a try.
A good story with constant updates. As there a lot of Harry Potter fan fictions this one stands out a lot.New plots and exciting character development.
Interesting idea