Fighting the rain dragon

Rhett reeled backwards, off the horse, the horse taking to it's heels and running away from him. The dragon breathed fire from it's mouth, Rhett dodged it, rolling on the floor like a tumble weed, not stopping for once.

A dragon slayer charged forward at the dragon in full speed, raising its sword in the air and hitting it on the dragon who, angered by that, used it wings to push the dragon slayer away.

"Save the king!", screamed Ash. "Save the king!".

The white dragon flapped it's wings forward and it pulled the wind, jerking Rhett off where he was.

Ash got off from his horse, his face in fear. He held his sword firmly in hand and ran towards Rhett who folded himself on the ground, letting out a faint grunt.

The dragon flew upwards, straight and then suddenly came down in a loop, aimed at Ash who didn't except that. The dragon made itself a spear and drove into Ash who let out a shout of help.

Two of the dragon slayers rushed to his rescue, hitting their swords at the dragon who let out a loud shout, it flew up again and now Rhett managed to stand up.

"How do we defeat this dragon!", cried a dragon slayer. "How?".

Rhett actually didn't know. He felt confused. If they didn't slay this dragon, they would be dead.

Ash looked at Rhett: "Do something m'lord, use your abilities".

"I don't have any ability. I haven't been given yet", replied Rhett. "Don't you guys have?".

Ash and the others shook their heads in the negative.

"I'm afraid we don't. We do not have any. Only kings have the abilities", said Ash.

Rhett looked to the skies. The beast was still flying there, now in circles. Suddenly a ball of white fire was aimed at Rhett who quickly moved sideways to dodge it.

"Everyone onto their horses", said Rhett rasing his hands up.

They all ran and whistled to call their horses who were already in a run and far ahead.

"They've ran away!", said one of the dragon slayers.

"Then let's run!", said Ash.

They all ran, very briskly. The dragon shooting fire balls from above on them. They dodged and ran, their hands on their heads except Rhett who was occasionally looking backwards.

A fire ball from the mouth of the dragon set a tree on fire. The dragon slayers shouted the more, their speed more quickened. The dragon released yet another fire ball and it set many trees forward ablaze.

The dragon slayers and their king halted, their heads turning sideways, trying to find another way. Rhett pointed left and they took that direction, scampering. The sky was showing some bit of light, to Rhett it felt dense, but nonetheless it was light.

The path they took was full of trees, tall gigantic things which stood erect. Looking up, Rhett could see that the dragon was slowly coming down. He was alarmed with this finding.

"Hey, the dragon is coming down!", he warned.

The dragon slayers eyes were widened by this notice. They looked at the sky and saw that it was true.

"We're doomed!", Ash cried.

"Just keep running", said Rhett. "At this point, I'd advise we don't look up!".

And so they ran, higgledy-piggledy. Their faces terrified. Rhett tried to keep a brave face though, but it was hard doing that. The dragon had started flapping it's wings forward now, as a sort of fan.

The wind blowing towards them from the wings was fierce. It was like an hurricane was coming at them. To run was an effort now but they did so, their legs heavy, the chase seeming endless.

Soon, Ash had tripped over a stone and he croppered to the floor. Some dragon slayers tried to help him but he pushed them forward.

"Go on without me", Ash said, pointing forward.

Rhett face furrowed. "Isn't that a very popular line in movies. Damn it, get up Ash!". He halted, the other dragon slayers continuing forward. He crouched down behind Ash, trying to help him up.

"Get up Ash", he told him. Ash pointed to his legs and Rhett, looking at it, noticed that it was bleeding.

"Damn, you're bleeding!", he said. "You've got to manage and get up".

Rhett helped Ash up, the other dragon slayers finding a small cave and staying in it.

"You guys have to manage and come over!", one of the dragon slayers said on top of his voice to Rhett and Ash.

Ash limped forward, Rhett assisting him.

They were going to the cave. Looking up, Rhett saw that the dragon was now coming down very fast. It wings cut some branches and it fell down with sounds that were similar to a clatter.

"It's coming down!", Rhett shouted.

Ash looked upwards and suddenly escaped from the hold of Rhett and ducked down. Rhett stretched his sword upwards, the dragon breathing a fire ball from it's mouth. The fire ball jerked the sword down and in that moment, in slow motion, he saw the dragon's face and how it really was.

It's face was like any dragon, but now, looking at it more closely, he saw a mark of a sword and a fire ball clashing together, by the side of it's cheek. It was small and almost imperceptible. Only with a closer look could one really see it and at that short moment, Rhett was in awe.

The dragon suddenly crashed into Rhett, putting him down. The dragon slayers far off in the cave really could do nothing, they only watched with terrified eyes, expecting the worst.

Ash layed on the ground, almost still, except for the fact that his head throbbed and he felt dazed which made him move at times in pain.

Meanwhile, Rhett fought with the dragon. Throwing it punches which the beast nodded backwards like Rhett's hands were a soccer balls. The dragon soon overpowered Rhett, pushing him down with it's head.

Ash stared at the scene. His king was about to die, the king of the dragon slayers. A sword was beside him, his only task now was to pass it to Rhett so he could slay the dragon.

Meanwhile, the dragon was trying to bite Rhett who tried to resist it. It had injured him in some places though, as his knees and face was bruised.

Ash reached for the sword, fighting really hard through all the pain soaring in him to pass it to Rhett who was in a point of death. Finally, with all the pain and throbs, he held the sword and with an unexpectedly great strength and threw it at Rhett who quickly caught it and rolled away from the dragon, standing up.

The dragon suddenly paused, looking at Rhett with heavy sad eyes. That shocked Rhett, who also paused. The dragon slayers from afar in the cave shouted at Rhett:


The dragon continued to look at him with sad eyes and Rhett felt shocked the more. He had to slay this beast or else…

... he couldn't say.

He stood rooted to the spot and this greatly startled Ash who gaped at the scene.

Suddenly they all heard the rustling of the wind, soft, yet brisk. And then, an arrow was into the neck- by the side, of the dragon who, to the shock of Rhett, slumped to the ground.