Old Church

Lifting another box onto the old table. Ignatius and Luna continued their meticulous search through the town records. The documents, dating back generations, held many interesting historical facts. They were searching for anything that could shed light on the Cain.

For two days, Ignatius and Luna had been busy, going through box after box. The room filled with the musty scent of aged paper and the soft rustling of pages being turned. The dim light from the single overhead bulb cast long shadows on the walls. Adding to the atmosphere of mystery.

"Found it!" Luna exclaimed, holding a file in her hand. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she opened it. "This file shows that the Cain has historical and magical significance in Misty Cove."

Ignatius leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "What does it say?"

Luna began to read aloud. "The Cain was first seen in the hands of a greater demon. Brought from the demonic realm. A succubus stole the relic for her lover in Misty Cove. The elf and the succubus fell in the war, fighting the demon onslaught.

The Cain vanished, only to reappear years later at the tower near Hillside. The captain of the tower and his family discovered it. When the tower fell. In the war with the wild beast men of the plains, the Cain disappeared, never to be seen again."

Ignatius looked at Luna, his mind racing with possibilities. "Beyond those grass plains. According to these documents, the beast men have towns and cities. They were part of the Sealy Court," he said in wonder.

"Silvi should know them well. I wish she could be here with us," Luna said, her voice tinged with sadness. "She was like a mother to me."

Ignatius nodded, understanding her sentiment. "I need to tell you about Regina and her tattoo on her inner thigh. She might have taken the Cain, but I could be wrong," he said, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Luna touched his hand. "We do not want to accuse her of stealing if she is innocent," she said.

Ignatius sighed, feeling the weight of their quest. "You're right. We need to be careful."

The two continued their search. The hours slipped by as they delved deeper into the town's history. The records revealed a tapestry of events. Each thread leads them closer to the truth about the Cain.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow through the dusty windows, Ignatius and Luna took a moment to rest. They sat in silence, the enormity of their task weighing on their shoulders.

"Luna, do you ever wonder if we're chasing shadows?" Ignatius asked, his voice above a whisper.

Luna looked at him, her eyes filled with determination. "No, Ignatius. We're on the right path. The Cain is out there, and we will find it. Stand please."



Luna kneeled undoing his pants. "You have me now. We can do anything together."

Ignatius nodded holding her head, drawing strength from her resolve. "You're right. We can't give up now."

The next morning, they resumed their search with renewed vigour. Ignatius lifted another box onto the table, the strain evident on his face. Luna joined him, her hands moving through the files.

"Look at this," Luna said, holding up a document. "It mentions a hidden chamber beneath the old church. It could be where the Cain was hidden."

Ignatius's eyes widened. "We need to check it out."


Luna yawned kissing Ayla and then Elysia. Good morning Zarkon. Luna said. Zarkon lay out their clothes for the day. Good morning, Miss Luna Zarkon said. Ignatius stretched out like a cat. Where is Christie? he asked as he kissed his woman. Christie opened the bathroom door. "Nature called Master."

Anderson and his wife Angie dished up breakfast. Ignatius is impressed with Anderson's wife. Offered her a position as a cook. Anderson came to work with a black eye the first day she worked. Upset he never told her about the maids. Or the fact that Christie seldom had clothes on. Luna and Elysia were the prettiest girls she had seen. When she worked in the kitchen her libido went into overdrive.



Elysia stood with her legs apart like a soldier, her hands behind her back, as she gave Magnus her report.

"Orange today, you spoil me, Elysia," Magnus said, sighing with satisfaction." "Close the door and take a seat."

Elysia complied, closing the door to his office. She gave her weekly report as Magnus puffed away. "Good solid investigating," Magnus said, his eyes roaming her body. "You may go."

"Yes, Chief," Elysia replied. Luna had come to see Magnus seven days ago, revealing that Elysia belonged to Ignatius. Magnus had flown into a rage. Swearing at Ignatius, who could hear him from the bench outside the headquarters. Magnus accepted it to Elysia's surprise. "Do you take me for a fool?" Magnus asked. "I knew all along that you were in a relationship with Ignatius." Elysia moved into Luna's room that same day.

They drove to the old church outside of town, now turned into an orphanage. Father Michael came out to greet them, his joy contagious. Ignatius, one of his main benefactors, handed the man a copy of the scroll from the town's records.

Father Michael read the scroll. "I see. It still exists," he said. "It has not been opened since I was an orphan."

They drank coffee and ate biscuits, which the girls at the orphanage baked to say thank you to Ignatius. The children performed a small play they had planned for his visit. The children loved Luna and Elysia; all the girls wanted to be them when they grew up. The boys proposed when they saw them, making Luna and Elysia laugh.

Father Michael took them inside the church to the back. Climbing onto a wooden box, he pressed on a brick in the wall, which slid into the wall. The sound of stone on stone echoed as a door opened on the other side of the room. Ignatius took Luna and Elysia's hands. Leading them down the stairs, the orb lighting their path. Father Michael sat near the door to keep the children away.

At the back, they found a mural of Silvi holding a war bow. Ignatius gasped at the scene. She stood naked in her torn bra only straps left. With an army of elves and dwarfs behind her. Zarkon, in his armour, the armour was severely dented.

Before them stood dark fae armies to the horizon they numbered in the millions. The elf's clothes torn some naked stood proud. The dwarf's armour was unrecognisable from dents and gashes. The situation looked dire. Silvi stood proud her legs apart firmly planted. She had arrows in a quiver one arrow knocked. Zarkon's blade and armour were covered in black blood. Silvi's boots were caked in black blood as well.

"Wow, she is beautiful," Elysia said with wonder.

"I know," Ignatius said. Elysia recognized her from the painting in Ignatius's room. The war bow seemed to stand out of the mural. Ignatius wiped his eyes. Then touched the life-size image of Silvi, his fingers gently caressing her figure.

"Silvi, I miss you and love you. In your next life, I will make you mine," Ignatius said, his voice full of emotion. His fingers touched the war bow. Elven script flowed from the glowing bow into his hand. The image of Silvi turned as if alive and blew him a kiss. Ignatius grabbed his heart, kneeling, his emotions overwhelming him.

The script appeared before them. Ignatius read it to them. "I gained Arcane Tempest. Luna, you gained Phantom Strike. Elysia, you gained Mist Form." Script flowed from the orb into both women.



The mural seemed to distort then Silvi moved. She looked at Ignatius as she held a map pointing at it. Everyone gasped she looked real standing before them. Ignatius memorized the map, touching Silvi's hand. She held his hand, placing it on her breast.

"Come, take me, your highness. I am waiting," she said, then turned back into a picture in the mural.

"She is alive somewhere in this world," Luna said in wonder.

"Elysia, did you recognize the area in the map?" Ignatius asked.

"No, the place looks unfamiliar to me," Elysia replied.

"Luna, did you recognize the map?" Ignatius asked.

Luna took his hand. "No, but I memorized it. When we find it in the library, I will know," she said, holding him.

Elysia hugged him from the back, pressing herself into him. "She must have reincarnated," Elysia said. "She will be a teen now," Luna added.

"I will find her and make her mine," Ignatius vowed.

They left the secret room. The children had cooked a feast for them. They ate with the children. Ignatius discussed schooling and further education for the children with Father Michael.