Bad news

As the door creaked open, Emma peered out, her blue eyes wide with surprise. The light from inside cast a soft glow on the faces of Ignatius and Luna, who stood on her doorstep.

"Come in," she said, still in her nightgown, a hint of embarrassment colouring her cheeks. "I need to make myself presentable," she added, running a hand through her long blonde hair.

"No need," Ignatius said, his gaze warm. "You are pretty as is."

Ignatius gave the elf women an appreciative look. "We're sorry to bother you this early in the morning."

Ignatius held out a basket covered with cloth. "Brought breakfast for the three of us." he placed it on her kitchen table.

Luna smiled as she reached into her bag and pulled out a black book. "We got it from the hidden library," she said, handing it to Emma.

Emma took the book, her eyes alight with curiosity. "Will you be able to decipher it?" Ignatius asked, taking her hand and leading her to her bedroom.

"I'll certainly try," Emma replied. Her mind already racing with the possibilities contained within the book.

Later, the three of them sat around a small table, enjoying a meal. "I was a level one elf maiden," Emma said. Now I am level eleven. Thank you Master for treating me as a woman."

Your special Emma. I could see that from day one. I want special people for my household. Ignatius said kissing her as he fondled her breasts.

"If you need anything do not hesitate to ask Zarkon," Luna said with a smile.

"Who is Zarkon? Emma asked.

"I am," Zarkon said appearing from her shadow. He touched her nipple. "She is magnificent Master."

"Yes, she is. Make sure to buy this property for her. And fill her food stores each month with whatever she desires." Ignatius said holding her hand.

"A vampire," she said as Zarkon fondled her all over her body.

Zarkon held up a gleaming finger smelling it. "I know her sizes now Master should I have dresses made for Lady Emma."

Please do my friend with the family crest on the breasts. I will have a cocker made for her. Ignatius said.

Luna caressed Emma's back. "She is a beautiful addition to our family."

Emma stood dumbstruck. Ignatius and Luna kissed her goodbye as Zarkon disappeared into Ignatius's shadow. She waved as the vehicle sped off towards Misty Cove. She rushed into the house the chill too much for her naked body.


Ignatius pushed his plate forward with a contented sigh. "Delicious," he said, burping softly.

Luna loosened the button on her skirt and blouse leaning back. "I ate too much," she said with a laugh.

"I am glad we came here," Ignatius said as he looked around the restaurant. "We should bring everyone here for lunch in the future."

We should bring Elysia and Ayla here first Luna said. What do you think Christie?

Christie's stomach looked like a swollen watermelon. "Burp, sounds great, burp." Christie burped two more times.

"You ate too much." Ignatius laughed.

As Ignatius glanced around the room, his eyes fell on a familiar face sitting two tables away. The principal of the high school, Harold Trent, was deep in conversation with a man. They seemed to be discussing something serious. They could hear the mayor's name mentioned a few times in hushed tones. Ignatius realised that this was a secret meeting from their behaviour.

Leaning in, Ignatius whispered to Luna, "That's Harold Trent, the high school principal. Does this secret meeting not make him look guilty."

Luna nodded, her eyes narrowing as she listened in on the conversation. They overheard snippets about grade-fixing for wealthy children.

"We need to investigate this further," Ignatius said, his voice determined.

That evening, they relayed the overheard conversation to their friend. Elysia, over dinner.

"Harold Trent is involved in a grade-fixing scandal," Ignatius said. "We need to find out more."

Elysia and Christie exchanged glances. "Sounds like we have a new mission," Christie said with a grin.

"We'll gather evidence and bring it to light," Elysia added, her voice resolute. "He is a well-connected person we need to be sure of our facts."

"He could have killed the mayor because he found out about the scheme," Luna said.

"We should be careful. If he killed the mayor, he would not hesitate to kill us." Ignatius said.

Elysia heaved a sigh of relief as she closed her drawer, signalling the end of her day's work. Magnus asked her to show him her breasts in his office. "Again, Magnus this is the fourth time today," Elysia said. Lifting her bra her breasts jiggled as they found release from their restraints. Magnus puffed his cigar his grin said everything.

"See you tomorrow Elysia," Magnus said. He stood taking his jacket. "Time to go home my friend," he said placing his hand on her shoulder. Elysia buttoned her blouse. "Thank you." He said as they walked out. "I have been under a lot of stress from the council. To solve this murder case and the theft of this strange cain. Your tits calmed my nerves." he said walking away from her.

Elysia walked to Silvi's coffee shop her new home. Magnus was not a bad guy she thought. He had given her the opportunity when she came back broken from the war. He had always tried to see her naked or in her underwear. He was the boy who looked up the girl's skirts when they climbed the stairs. She walked upstairs waving at Ayla.

The sun had dipped below the horizon. Casting a warm glow through the windows of the cosy kitchen upstairs. She seated herself at the kitchen table. A place of refuge where she could momentarily forget the chaos of the day.

Anderson and his wife bustled about, preparing dinner. Their movements synchronized from years of partnership. The kids played in the corner with an assortment of toys. Their laughter a soothing background melody.

The door creaked open, and Ignatius, Luna, Christie, and Ayla walked in. Their faces are a mix of exhaustion and determination. Elysia glanced up and offered a tired smile.

"Hey, everyone," she greeted, motioning for them to join her at the table. "There's something important we need to discuss."

The group gathered around, sensing the gravity in her tone.

Elysia took a deep breath before speaking. "The crime scene... it was broken into last night. Items of key importance stolen."

A collective gasp filled the room. Luna leaned forward, her eyes wide. "Do we have any leads on the suspect?"

Elysia shook her head. "No. The suspect is unknown and still at large. This... this could stall our entire investigation."

Ignatius frowned, his brow furrowing in concern. "This puts a lot of pressure on you and Magnus."

"More than you know," Elysia admitted, her voice laced with frustration. "Magnus is already under a lot of stress. And when he's stressed, his... perverted side tends to flourish."

Ayla raised an eyebrow. "Perverted side?"

Elysia nodded, her expression serious. "Yes. It's something we've had to deal with before. When Magnus is under extreme pressure, he starts behaving inappropriately. It's like he can't control himself."

Christie folded her arms, her eyes narrowing. "That's a dangerous combination. We need to find this suspect and get those items back."

Anderson's wife placed a comforting hand on Elysia's shoulder. "You'll get through this. You're strong, and you have us to support you."

Elysia offered a small smile of gratitude. "Thank you. I hope we can solve this before it spirals out of control."

Ignatius leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "We'll need to be extra cautious moving forward. The suspect could be anyone, and they might be closer than we think."

Luna nodded in agreement. "We should start by retracing our steps and seeing if there are any clues we missed."

Christie tapped her fingers on the table. "And we should also keep an eye on Magnus. If he starts acting out, it could jeopardize everything."

Luna and Elysia shared a meaningful glance. The two friends shared everything. Sleeping in the same bed and sharing a room had brought them closer to each other. Ignatius frowned as he looked at Elysia. He knew the deal she and Luna had made without his consent sucked. He would leave it be they said they would handle it.

Elysia sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her. "I appreciate your support. We'll need to work together to get through this."

The group exchanged determined glances, ready to face the challenges ahead. Anderson and his wife served dinner. And for a moment, the kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma of home-cooked food.

As they ate, the conversation continued. The kids' laughter is in the background. Provided a stark contrast to the seriousness of their discussion. A reminder that even amid turmoil, there was still hope.

As Luna moved from table to table, she exchanged warm greetings with her regulars. The familiar faces of her coffee shop were a comforting sight. A reminder of the community that she had grown to love. She shared a laugh with Mrs Reilly about the latest town gossip. And offered a sympathetic ear to Mr. Carson's grumblings about the weather. The hum of conversation and clinking of glasses filled the air. A soothing backdrop to her routine.

Then, Ayla's gasp cut through the noise like a knife. Luna's head snapped up, following Ayla's wide-eyed stare to the doors. Her heart sank as she saw them standing there - her parents.

Luna took a deep breath, forcing a smile onto her face. "Come in, Father. You're still welcome here," she called out, though the words felt like pebbles in her mouth. She could see the stern look in her father's eyes, the disapproval etched into his features. Her mother stood beside him, looking less severe but no less resolute.

"Thank you, Luna," her father said, stepping inside. He didn't sound particularly grateful.

Luna sighed with frustration as she led them to a table. She didn't need this today, or any day for that matter. Once seated, she ordered food and drinks for them, trying to keep her irritation in check.

As soon as they were alone, her father started in on his usual complaints. "You know, Luna, these vampire lawyers are a menace. They're taking over everything, twisting the law to their favour. It's an outrage."

Luna nodded, not listening. This was the same old song and dance she'd heard a thousand times before. She glanced over at Ayla, who was watching them from behind the bar. Her father blamed everyone for his mistakes. He was never at fault. Ignatius's lawsuit against them had cost her father standing and profit.

"And then there's Ignatius," her father continued, his voice growing more heated. "He's not the man for you, Luna. He's dangerous and unpredictable. You can do so much better."

Her mother nodded in agreement, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Your father's right, dear. Ignatius is not the right match for you. You deserve someone stable, someone who will provide for you and keep you safe."

"The man is a beggar and a leech I tell you." Her father said in anger. "He leeches off you. He sleeps his life away. The man has not worked a day in his life. He moved here because he squandered his inheritance." Her father folded his arms pouting.

Luna clenched her fists under the table, her frustration boiling over. "Ignatius is a good man. He cares about me, and I care about him. That's all that should matter."

Her father snorted. "He's a vampire, Luna. You can't trust him. He'll turn on you the moment it suits him."

Where did he get that idea from Luna thought.

Luna opened her mouth to argue, but the words died in her throat. She knew it was pointless. Her father would never change his mind about Ignatius. He'd made his feelings abundantly clear from the start.

The food and drinks arrived, and Luna watched in silence as her parents began to eat. She felt a pang of sadness, wishing things could be different. She wished her parents could see Ignatius the way she did, to understand the bond they shared.

After what felt like an eternity, her parents finally finished their meal. Her father stood up, brushing crumbs from his coat. "We'll be going now, Luna. Think about what we've said."

Her mother gave her a brief hug, a gesture that felt more obligatory than affectionate. "Take care, dear. We want what's best for you."

Right, she thought. you want to marry me off to some noble yoyo. To gain more status and profit. Her father loved young women. Her mother wanted to brag to her friends, about how she stays in fashion every week. She realized they lived wasteful lives.

Luna watched them leave, her heart heavy. She hoped they meant well, but their constant disapproval was exhausting. She turned back to her duties, trying to shake off the lingering frustration.

Ayla approached her. "Are you okay, Luna?"

Luna forced a smile. "I'll be fine, Ayla. Another day with its challenges." She patted her friend's shoulder. "Thanks for being here."

Ayla leaned closer whispering. "Let's take a break at the back. Bring your sword hilt."

Luna turned kissing her. "Thank you. I can do with the stress release. See you there in two minutes. I will fetch my sword.

Luna stood near the big window staring out to sea. The lighthouse was in the distance with ships and boats coming and going from the docks. Ayla had worked her magic with her sword hilt and her tongue. She had returned the favour. Ignatius when you are coming back from the library she wondered. She wanted him to hold her in his arms. Elysia would come home in half an hour.

As twilight wore on, Luna couldn't help but think about Ignatius. She knew their relationship was complicated, but she also knew it was worth fighting for. No matter what her parents thought, she wasn't going to let them dictate her life.

Luna glanced at the door, half-expecting to see Ignatius. Walk in any second now. But he didn't. And that was okay. They would face whatever challenges came their way, together. And maybe, just maybe, one day her parents would come to accept it. Until then, she would keep standing her ground, for herself and for the man she loved.

Hey, beautiful she heard a familiar voice say. Ignatius and Elysia entered the coffee shop. Ignatius had his arm around Elysia's waist. She ran to him hugging him tightly as her tears fell like a pearl.