Ignatius laughs overwhelmed by the love he receives from his women when he walks out of the cell. Everyone came to see him released. Magnus and his officers stare their mouths working as Elysia and Luna lead him to the door. "Magnus come and have a coffee with us," Ignatius says as he is pulled out of the building.
They walk down the street people whisper as the group passes. The women had the same white woollen dresses on. With red and yellow flowers embroidered into it. Reverie stood out as her ears gave her away. Magnus followed grumbling to himself as Elysia held his hand.
"This is strange very strange," Magnus said not letting go of Elysia's hand. Don't be such a sour face, Magnus. Elysia said.
"Yes, do not make us drag you," Luna said holding his other hand.
Magnus's attention was on their bouncing breasts as they walked. "I died and this must be heaven," he mumbled. He looked to the ladies surrounding Ignatius chatting and laughing. Magnus looked at the clouds they looked so pretty. He stepped in a puddle of melted snow and mud cakes his shoe. How beautiful the colour of the dirt is today.
Elysia and Luna stared at each other the cold breeze making their nipples hard. Magnus saw this and kept praising the cold weather.
Ignatius looked around his family surrounding him. The coffee came with generous slices of apple pie. "We need to arrange a meeting in the town hall," Ignatius said.
"We have a list of people that must attend," Luna said before savouring her apple pie.
Elysia came downstairs with the evidence they had come by. "This will prove who the culprits are in this case. We have eyewitness testimony and physical evidence."
"We still need to find the blackmailer." Elysia said pulling out the chair beside Magnus and sitting down.
Magnus looked at the items on the table. "When did you find this."
Elysia pointed at Ignatius and Luna. "They had found all this evidence for us."
"On the matter of Regina," Ignatius said leaning back in his chair and lighting his pipe. "She has been blackmailed I will take responsibility for her."
Sniffling came from upstairs a woman was crying. "I see," Magnus said. "And what do I get in return."
"We will tell the mayor that you were the one who cracked the case," Ignatius said puffing away.
Magnus looked at Everyone at the table. "Why?
"Are you not Elysia's childhood friend," Ignatius said placing his pipe in his jacket pocket.
"I am she is precious to me and always will be. You beat me capturing her heart." Magnus said entering a staring contest with Ignatius.
Elysia slapped Magnus behind the head. "Focus now is not the time for a measuring contest."
Magnus rubbed the back of his head. "Why did you hit me again."
"Take the evidence and hold it till tomorrow evening, when we have all the people gathered on the list," Elysia said.
"Regina was blackmailed into stealing the cane," Ignatius said. "We will capture this blackmailer and bring him to justice."
"He will make his move as soon as the evidence is in police custody," Elysia said. Then we will tail him back to his base of operations and arrest everyone involved.
"Sounds like you have figured it out. I will follow your plan." Magnus said sounding uncertain.
"I do not stand a chance, not even with Luna or any of the other delectable ladies around us," Magnus said sad and depressed.
A choir of no echoed through the coffee shop.
The elf woman seated on the bed looked young fifty years old. Although she was almost two thousand years of age. Ignatius stood by the door closing it. "Magnus has left for home."
"What will happen to me now," Regina asked. As she fussed with her dress the light blue and white made her look cute.
"We need your skills looking forward to the future," Luna said sitting next to her. She brushed her fingers through her hair.
Elysia sat on her left taking the elf woman's hand. "We will be with you do not be nervous."
"Why are they sitting in the corner there drinking wine," Regina asked nervously.
"My butler my handmaid and my precious lover Ayla," Ignatius said. "We are a family the maids you have met are also my wives."
"Now stay here for a week we will have a room ready for you. Tomorrow your crime will be revealed. But you will not be there when we reveal it." Ignatius said.
"You will be a new maid in my service Morgan will explain everything tomorrow. Your old life will end here tonight, and a new life will be given." Ignatius said, "loosening her dress buttons.
Elysia and Luna helped her to lean her back on the bed her dress pulled off. "Thank you Master I pledge my life and soul to you," Regina said her hands trembling.
Ignatius, Luna, and Elysia orchestrated a town meeting at the mayor's office. Everyone whispered to each other trying to figure out why a meeting in the middle of the month. Magnus took the gavel and slammed it on the table. People hopped in their seats at this sudden impact.
We have called for this meeting. He paused for effect. Because we have a killer in our midst and a thief. Magnus said then puffed his cigar as he seated himself next to his wife and Sergeant Rose. On either side, his sergeants sat giving him a thumbs up. His wife looked proud of him.
Ignatius stood reaching into a bag and presenting their collected evidence. Photos of the shoes and the hidden closet. Testimony from the witness, and Regina's confession. He then stated that Regina fell under his protection. And that he would take full responsibility for her.
Revealing that she was black-mailed by an anonymous person to steal the staff. She had bragged about it hoping someone would catch her. Chief Magnus, seeing the truth of the situation, begrudgingly agrees to work with them.
Ignatius reveals the evidence they had found in Regina's home. Thief's Tools a set of lock-picking tools found in Regina's handbag. Duplicate Keys a set of duplicate keys to the doctor's house found in Regina's possession. The fact that the cane was stolen from Regina's apartment they kept a secret. The stolen cane never revealed to the public.
Victor stands walking to the front. "If I may." He said standing next to Ignatius.
Ignatius gave him the floor. "You're the mayor now." He said taking a step back.
Victor begins speaking shocking everyone. "I have come to correct a great injustice and to save a certain someone from herself."
Clair shifted in her seat her face turning pale. Marcus took her hand then placed an arm around her shoulder as if to protect her.
Victor continued speaking winking at Clair. "My family has served the Thorn family for generations." He looked around the room as Magnus gasped.
He continues to explain how Clair had suffered. At her husband's hands never going into the sorted details. How said husband died over the course of a week. How his criminal partners came to ruin then were cannibalised by their competitors. He stooped and looked at Clair.
"This woman had suffered enough." Victor said pointing at Clair. "Yes, she had targeted Ignatius for his perceived wealth. Yes, she had then moved to target me seeing that I am filthy rich." Victor laughed as he said this.
Clair now in tears cold not move as Marcus pulled her closer.
"I would still love for Clair to work for me." Victor said to everyone's surprise. "She is a special lady do you not agree Ignatius." Victor looked back at him.
"I agree she is special." Ignatius said looking worried.
Victor looked to Marcus. "Sorry old friend I have ploughed her many times and would do so in the future if she worked for me."
"She has that effect on me you know." Victor said taking a piece of paper from his pocket. "This was handed to me by Dr Morough this morning."
"Clair will be a mother soon." Victor said smiling at Marcus and Clair. "Congratulations Marcus you're going to be a father to a baby girl." Victor said taking a cigar from his pocket handing it to Marcus and kissing Clair. Then sat down holding her hand.
"Now that we know." Magnus said. "Clair has two men in her life, if you see her with one or the other we know now. Please keep the gossip to yourself. We will soon have a new Misty Cove youngster running around. Guys please do not stop your efforts we need to grow the town."
Clair looked at her hands Marcus and Victor grinned at each other caressing Clair's back. "We do our best Chief." Victor said.
Ignatius stood walking to Clair Kissing her. "I will not be able to add to the gene pool. Guys please be gentle with her when you take her together." Ignatius said returning to the evidence bag.
Clair looked at the two men holding her hands. Everyone could see the idea Ignatius had given them. Being communicated between them in silence. Clair would have nine children in the end unable to keep working as they moved into Victor's home as a family.
"Now to the reason we have called you here tonight." Ignatius said as he took a bag from Luna.
"This handkerchief discovered near the crime scene. With Evan's initials embroidered on it. Led us to believe that Evan had something to so with the mayors murder."
"The mayor had claimed that Evan had murdered a person. Yet the claim was never proved. Lack of evidence stated as the reason." Ignatius said as he took shoes from the bag. "We found this in Evan's Closet. The stolen shoes, matching those from the old case."
"The mayor was murdered because he wanted to expose Evan for the murder years ago. It must have eaten the man alive to know that his family member was a criminal." Ignatius said. "Why he had protected him for all these years your guess is as good as mine. He wanted to do the right thing and was murdered for it."
Luna points to the back as Evan slips outside disappearing into the night.
"We have two neighbours eyewitness testimony. Recalling seeing a man matching Evan's description near the crime scene." Ignatius said walked to Luna and Elysia.
"The fact that Evan walked out a minute ago proves his guilt. Elysia said. As she walked to the door. "His alibi did not hold water."
Magnus rushes to the door. "Catch that criminal do not let him escape." Magnus yelled running after Elysia followed by his sergeants.
The central chamber of the city. The dwarfs search the chamber their faces grim and filled with determination. Ignatius and his ladies stand at the back of the chamber fiddling with tiles on the floor.
"They should go into this type of sequence." Luna said arranging the tiles. Nothing happened.
"Let me give it a go." Christie said her tail wrapped around Ignatius leg. She arranges the tiles with no effect.
Ignatius look to the back something felt off. Elysia pulled him closer his arm around her waist. "What do you see?" Elysia asks looking at the same spot.
"There is something there." Ignatius walk to the back taking hold of the tapestry. Depicting dwarfs at their forges. He pulls on the tapestry revealing passage behind the tapestry. "Come girls down here."
The warmth coming from the passage gave them a sheen of sweat on their bodies. This chamber should lead towards the volcano. Elysia said wiping her forehead.
At the end of a walkway a figure in a hood holding the cain they have been looking for blocks their way." You have a choice turn back or see your women die." The voice said.
Rowan Ignatius said his voice soft. What are you doing here.
You know boy. Rowan said flipping the hood back revealing his aged face. I know you figured it out my boy.
Rowan turned towards a figure of a women standing in the shadows. We cannot let you discover or stop our plans. Rowan said he lifted the staff. You must choose to pursue us, and your women die or turn around and your life for now.
He would use the staff on us then we will be weakened. As he thought this Rowan drew his sword. What to do let them go or try to attack. He did not know how strong Rowan would be. Tell me Rowan you murdered Silvi using the cain. Ignatius said.
You have figured it out how clever boy. She has been a thorn in our sides from the start. She could do nothing as I impaled her with this sword. She had cast magic in that moment, yet it failed she was a level one. Rowan said laughing like a maniac.
Ignatius took a step towards Rowan. You will pay for this. Did your master order her murder? Ignatius asked.
Yes, quite the detective boy. The woman at the back stepped deeper into the shadows.
Kill the humans Rowan stop staling. The woman said her voice sounding far away.
Rowan lifted the staff to chest level the skull that looked like it was always screaming glowed pink. Luna fell to her knees then the rest followed. His smile as the staff glowed pink revealed rotten teeth and sunken eyes.
What are you? Ignatius asked. Rowan did not answer thrusting the staff forwards.
Rowans features changed to a panicked. He thrust the cain forwards making a grunting sound. The women at the back turned and walked away.
Ignatius whispered Eldritch Blast. The energy formed around him as the Mystical Orb of Fate came to life above him. The women started running at full speed.
How can this be this works on magical creatures. Rowan said. his voice sounding. Asif he was under water.
Ignatius pointed his hand at the staff. His ladies groaned as they lay helpless on the ground their strength sapped. The thunderclap deafening at the blast shattered the cain and Rowan's chest. Through the gaping hole the women disappeared around a bend in the passage.
Rowan turned to dust as a pink mist formed around the pieces of the staff. Luna pushed herself upholding on to Christie. Elysia leaned against the side of the passage shaken. A form seen through the pink mist. It solidified her red hair moved in the updraft by the heat from the magma below the platform. Her green eyes wide as she stared at Ignatius.
"Cynthia." Ignatius and Christie said in unison.