Truth and Setback

The hearth crackled, casting a warm glow over the room. As snowflakes danced outside the window. Luna sat near the fire, her fingers tracing the rim of her wine glass. Across from her, Elysia stared into the flames, her expression unreadable. Ignatius sat beside her, pouring more wine into their glasses.

Luna took a deep breath, her heart pounding. "Ignatius, can I ask you something?" she said, her voice above a whisper.

Ignatius looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "Of course, Luna. What's on your mind?"

She hesitated, searching for the right words. "I... I want to know where we stand. Are we... together?"

Elysia's head snapped up, her eyes narrowing. "Luna, you know I'm not good with this sort of thing," she said, her voice cold and distant.

Luna sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "I know, Elysia. But I need to know. I need to know that he won't leave me."

Ignatius reached out, placing a hand on Luna's shoulder. "Luna, Elysia, I want you both to know that I've wanted to make you my own since the moment I met you. The rings I gave you are proof of my resolve."

Elysia's eyes widened, and she looked down at her hands, where the rings glinted in the firelight. "Why did you give us power, Ignatius?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

Ignatius took a deep breath, his gaze steady. "Because I wanted to show you both how much you mean to me. I wanted to give you the strength to face whatever comes our way."

Luna and Elysia sat in stunned silence, the weight of his words sinking in. Luna felt tears welling up in her eyes, and she looked at Elysia, who was clutching her skirt in frustration.

"I... I don't know what to say," Elysia whispered, her voice trembling.

Luna reached out, taking Elysia's hand in hers. "It's okay, Elysia. We don't have to say anything. We need to know that we're not alone."

Ignatius smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "You're not alone. You never will be." He walked around hugged them from the back kissing their cheeks. "Time for us to go to bed."

Not so early the next morning Ignatius lay beside Ayla out of breath. Ayla inhales then speaks. "They're still asleep this is a first."



He takes her hand wiping the sheen of sweat from her forehead with the bed sheet. "We had a late night first we talked about our feelings." He inhaled still out of breath. "Then we shared our physical feelings till two hours ago."



Ayla pushed herself up looking into his purple eyes. "I am not losing to them at all Master." She straddled him and then kissed him with passion. "I will use my time wisely while they still sleep."



Christie giggled as she sipped her coffee at the small table. "Luna has a hunger for Master that rivals my own. She is a monster when it comes to sucking."



"She is an expert in all aspects," Zarkon said. Taking a sip of his wine. "Master in an hour we should get ready."


Ignatius stooped kissing Ayla's nipples. "I know the girls want to take a walk on the beach and have a picnic near the old farm that grows strawberries."


"Then when Ayla's finished it's my turn," Christie said swallowing her coffee in one go.


A soft knock on the door. "Come in," Zarkon said.


Reverie came in her bunny ears moving listening for danger. "Hope that I am not too late for a turn on Ignatius?


Morgan peered around the door. "Good morning, Master. May we join as well." Seven maids stood outside in the process of undressing.


The walk to the area near the strawberry farm took less than fifteen minutes on the beach. The farmer a magi, regulated the area with magic making it summer year after year on the farm. Twelve women walked with their feet in the shallow water as waves pummelled the shoreline. Ignatius followed, enjoying the scene before him. Zarkon, in a suit and hat with black silk around the hat covering his neck and face. Strolled with his hands behind his back.

Luna looked back and laughed as she kicked water at Elysia and Christie. Reverie and Emma also joined in, kicking water at Elysia and Luna. "This is what family should be like," Luna thought, smiling.

Up ahead, the silhouette of two people on the beach, making out, came into view. As they neared the couple. Holding each other with lips locked and oblivious to the world, Luna recognized them. She looked back at Ignatius, who laughed at Morgan and the two maids' antics.

Luna grabbed her heart as Ignatius spotted Victor and Clair in their embrace. She could see his face fall, dark energies rolling in his eyes. Christie came to the rescue, taking Ignatius's hand. "Let's go this way; the farm is up ahead," she said, leading him away from the two lovers.

Clair spotted them rushing to Luna. "What a surprise to see you here," she said, holding Victor's hand.

Luna saw Ignatius staring at the two. "Nice to see you, old boy," Victor said, his face serious.

"We should have stayed in bed," Clair said with no empathy at all.

"We did nothing wrong here; you're not his woman," Victor said, taking Clair's hand and leading her away from the group.

Luna turned to Ignatius. Victor gave her a look that said later. He stopped and then turned to Luna.

"I will speak with him soon. Come, my love, let's continue this at home," Victor said, waving as they walked back to town.

Luna looked at Elysia, and they each took Ignatius's arm, pressing themselves into him. "Now you know," Luna said.

"Her true colours have come to light," Elysia said.

"She is a gold digger," Christie commented.

They walked to the strawberry farm, Ignatius's thoughts, a mystery to all. "Master is thinking ahead at the moment. We will continue the picnic," Zarkon said with confidence.

Ignatius looked around at them. Luna took his hand, unsure of what to do. "I would like a pie, please," Ignatius said with a smile.

The picnic commenced. Morgan bought strawberries from the farm stall and fresh cream.

Magnus did his usual routine, starting at Elysia's high heels and working his way up her body. She leaned against his door, waiting for him to finish his ritual.

"Detective, I do not know how you did it. But you uncovered crimes that would never have seen the light of day. If not for your diligent work," Magnus said, lighting his cigar.

"Thank you, Chief," Elysia replied, her face serious.

"Now to the other matter," Magnus said, folding his arms. "No new suspect for the murder of the mayor. You know that Ignatius is the obvious suspect."

"We have cleared him, and you know it," Elysia said, her voice firm.

Magnus leaned back, unable to read her emotions. Did vampires have feelings like empathy or love, he wondered. "Double your efforts, Elysia. We need to find this son of a bitch. The new mayor is hosting a party in a few days. Make sure I can give him the good news."

Ring, ring. "Yes, who am I speaking to?" Magnus said, sounding irritated. "You don't say." He slammed the receiver down. "Get my coat, we're leaving," Magnus commanded. "Sergeants, follow me and bring evidence bags."

"Where are we going?" Elysia asked.

"You will see. Follow me," Magnus commanded, walking like a speed walker trying to win a competition.

They arrived at the scene, Magnus not saying a word as he walked, his officers following him. "This is my home," Elysia said, looking at the sign above the door. "Silvi's Coffee Shop."

Luna greeted them at the door. "We need to search your backyard," Magnus said as he entered the shop. He walked right to a tree at the back. Ordering Sergeant Rose to climb the tree as he stood underneath, looking up her skirt with a smile.

"Found it, sir," she said, throwing down a bag.

Magnus stood firm as she climbed down, helping her. "Good work," he said, kissing her and the other sergeants. He opened the bag, revealing the missing items from the mayor's home. "Ignatius, you're under arrest for the murder of the mayor."



Luna and Elysia head to the cells at the back of the station. Ignatius stands holding the bars his confidence gone. We will get you out of here. Elysia said holding his hand. Please believe in us. Luna said as she took his hand placing it on her breast. Something to tide you over for the night.

The guard at the door choked on his coffee coughing. I trust that you will find an alibi Ignatius said. Magnus is hell-bent on pinning me as the murderer. Elysia kissed his hand. I know we will prove him wrong. She hung her head looking at her feet. You must hate me now.

Ignatius lifted her head holding her chin in his hand. I love you more because you have faith in me. Elysia blinked the tears coming unbidden. Make sure they're safe Zarkon. Ignatius said kissing through the bars. It will be done, Master.

His voice came from the two women's shadows at their feet. Right, you are we will be back. Elysia said taking Luna's hand and walking past the officers.

They decide to start with the mayor's neighbours. Across the road, Elysia knocks on a door. "Elysia my dear." the old lady said in surprise.

"Misses Smith you, life across the street from the mayor," Elysia said surprised.

"Come in child haven't seen you since you were in my class. You look amazing." Smith said leading her to a sofa. "Come pretty I will make tea." She said to Luna. She disappears into the kitchen and then brings a plate of cookies. She returns with tea and cream pouring for them then settles down with a cookie and tea in hand.

"I see you married now how wonderful," she said eating the cookie in one go.

Elysia realised the cookies were there for her to munch on. We are married to the same man. Luna said holding her ring for the teacher to see.

"How strange like ancient times right? You do not see that these days. everyone is me, me, I, I envy and jealousy ruling the day. I am glad you can share your love." Smith said eating her third cookie.

Elysia asks her old teacher if she had seen anything on the day the mayor's house was burgled. She noted that the police never asked her anything. She had seen Evan hanging around that day. He had loaded stuff into a bagand then looked around walking like something was chasing him.

Luna describes the bag to her.

"How do you know it looks like that are you special," Smith asks staring at Luna.

"No, the bag was found we are confirming that it was the same bag," Elysia said taking a statement paper from her coat. Please write your statement here.

Back at the station Elysia and Luna hands the eyewitness testimony to Magnus. Magnus recognises the name on the piece of paper. "Misses Smith she is as straight as an arrow," Magnus said. "She had given me hidings for looking up Helen and your skirts." Magnus sighed, "The good old days."

"Now, you can see that Ignatius is innocent," Elysia said. When can we have our man back? Luna said her hand on her hip. "Wow, that is a sexy pose," Magnus said licking his lips.

Luna hid behind Elysia. "It's not what you think," she said in a small voice.

"He will be released tomorrow morning a night in jail will give your little flowers a rest. Magnus said making a crude motion with his hands. "You're an ass," Elysia said taking Luna's hand and walking out then slammed his door shut.