Chp 4: My new Friends Also a wild Slannesh Appears

This is were it could go very wrong or work out in my favor and normally you really shouldn't make that gamble on Earth much less in fucking Warhammer 40k.

But I had no choice in this gamble but to try and stack the deck in my favor, Did I get a horrifying first real opponent?


Yes Yes I Did


But I'm not running away at the first sign of a challenge, there is also the fact of if I succeed I'll get a new friend or whatever Slaanesh will become to me.

Oh I meet my first Humans in this reality and oh boy are they something. Cadians are a interesting bunch Yep I help shield Cadia, unknown to its inhabitants.

As a side bonus this is before Big E make is supposed to do his whole conqueror the galaxy shtik and is before they are all xenophobic Religious Zelots so guess what my new head Priestess Aera Sae did?

Now is the hard part Getting to Slaanesh's Birth point because it not really known besides its in the Webway and near Cadia.

So I'm going to take a risk and stand in the Warp near Cadia and wait when it's close to time. I of course informed the nessary people.

The only hiccup was actually Aera Sae she wanted to come with me and it took some convincing to let me do this on my own.

Oh side note Aera was not just a servant to me we actually had grown close and that is why it took a lot of convincing to let me do this and she eventually confided to me the only reason she was as Fanaticaly loyal was because there was nobody else she deamed worthy before to give herself to. Yep before i came she was a Aeldari Nun just with the loyalty to a God.

Even though I think because I'm a Chaos God I'm technically all genders and no genders like Slaanesh. It weird but I consider myself a Male so it is so.

Oh fun fact Aera as my Head Priestess started to go everywhere she Could and started recruiting People into being my followers and was hand picking the best women to be nuns that she could personally train to serve me in her stead while she was handling the Main Aeldari World's politics. Such a good Friend.

On Cadia itself it was also a interesting event because while there was humans there they were not the emperium of mans because not only was it too early for that they were Suprisingly not xenophobic like their future counterparts and accepted the Aeldari Ambassadors with open arms.

What was funny was they weren't Religious Fanatics Before we arrived they were after though, thank you Aera.

It was during my movements that the other Princes decided to make their displeasure know by sending Chaos spawn to my planets fun fact my Daemons also have the abilities I do just to a lesser Extent.

Yeah the Chaos spawn were ether slaughtered or converted into or own troops and sent back at their former brethren.

That of course infuriated Nurgle and Tzeentch which were the ones responsible for the initial wave.

What was funny was Khorne sent a emissary Deamon to talk to me that was downright hilarious because it showed who was the actual smart on of the trio.

I informed them through Khorne that it was futile to stop me but I would talk about backing off after the Birth of our 'sister'.

They were hesitant but agreed under the condition I adopted troops from khorne to show willingness to work together.

I was but I also wanted to experiment with the new troops I had acquired from our little Scuffle.

Back to Slaanesh I figured out her spawn point, how?

I'm looking at a Baby Slaanesh and watching her rapidly age in front of me.

I had decided beforehand to bring some clothing for her as a sign of friendship and to show no harm.

What did I bring?

Nun robes, what I like to prank people too were do you think my followers got it from ?

When Slaanesh finally done it was Suprising because she took the form of a Little Girl.

Good light I learned I could shrink and expand clothing among other things.

She took the clothes and put them on them did something truly unexpected she clung to my leg the broke me with a few words.

"Are you my Dad?"

Well I was now wasn't I?

Time to take responsibility for my intervention of cannon.

"Yes Little one and I shall take care of you do you have a name or would you like me to name you."

She gave a cute little um of confirmation and said. "I'm so happy and my name is Slaanesh but you can call me Neshy."



That cuteness could be weaponized with ho potent it is.

That being Said I had a new problem and it was what to feed her then I decided to give her the corrupted souls of the Webway Aeldari they weren't doing anything productive anyway.

Now the reaction of my followers was what was impressive they all looked at little Slaanesh or Neshy as she wanted to be called and immediately pledged to treat her the same as me, Which if this was the original Slaanesh would be VERY bad.

But I learned that my passive Aura is like high grade Drugs to Everyone that has 'Evil Thoughts' which translates into being able to make a Chaos God into a normal Person as long as they are Relatively close to me.

You know we're this is going don't you?

But I would first have to slowly work through the deamons and that would be tedious and time consuming but I have time to kill before Big E appears for his big smackdown so why not and I'm curious if we Chaos gods if they are powerful enough can Jump Dimensions.

Now THAT is a fun project to look forward too.

Wonder what I will find?