Chapter Eight : Suprise Breakfast

I slept into the morning . I was exhausted from the past two night's undercover. It seemed like I had lost myself after my encounter with Druwex.

I quickly got up from bed and rushed to my bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I was done I went for my bath and within minutes I was dressed. Thanks to the fact that I was not a run along girl who spent hours on the mirror.

I opened my laptop. Good a thing I was already loading up the interior facts of the building of the Lucaster. I opened my laptop and pressed a button and I was quickly shown the interiors of the industry. It was extremely massive. Twenty one storey building. The first floor was occupied by the receptionists and the reception hall . But the receptionists were not alone. There were security guards in every unit of the first floor . Approximately, fifteen security guards were supposed to be in here.

Hmmm... I could pass through the security guards easily. I was good in combat but my only problem was that every floor was heavily installed with seven cameras at strategic points . My target Romeo , was in the eighteenth floor and the security there was uptight because he was of course the son to the CEO of the industry. Even if I managed to hack every camera in this building , then I will have to battle with the highly specialised karate ninjas , which from my system were seven. Gosh! I will need more weapons .

I closed my laptop and went out of my room. I got out to the dinning to see Sophie dressed in short shorts. I could not help but stare.

"Good morning. " her soft voice echoed as she turned to see me. I struggled to find my words. Why the fuck was my stubborn head sister very much stubborn about letting this one girl live a normal life in an apartment I voluntarily offered to pay for ?

"Hi dear." I managed to say.

"So what can I help you with ? I made breakfast. " she said in her sweet little voice . I stared at her before replying. We were usually used not eating solid food in the mornings of school days because my sister was too lazy to wake up to prepare food for us.

"Okay . What did you prepare?" I asked.

"Coconut rice." she said. I looked at her in amazement. God damn ! If only my sister , Jhea could be like this I would be more than happy to stay at home all day.

"Oh ! Sorry, just that I have not eaten Coconut rice before." I said.

"Really you have to try one. You will like it." Sophie said softly. She held my hand and led me into the kitchen to see the rice. I must say, I felt a warmth response in my body. I did not know what this was. I had not been led by a lady before for something that would benefit me. This was really intriguing.

We got into the kitchen where she severed the food in plates. I watched in awe . She was awesome. I never knew a school girl who had exams could have time to do all these.

"Do you not have exams ? " I asked suddenly. I did not want to look cold.

"Yes but I have papers by 10am. So I got plenty of time. Besides my mum always taught me to make sure that any where I am I should consider the appetite of everyone around me. I live by her rules. " she said and continued what she was doing.

"You have a real mum there. " I said.

"What of you ?" Sophie asked not looking back. I mopped. "I mean your mum , what was she like."

"I actually thought you were my sister's friend ." I said.

"Yah, but ever since I have known her , she rarely talks about your mum. She only told me that her mum passed out when she was still a little girl . She was barely six according to her. Sorry about that" Sophie said and she turned to look at me.

"She is just a naughty girl who misses her parents ." I said as emotions began to stirr up.

"About yesterday, I'm sorry. " I apologised .

"Nah, not to worry, your sister covered up for you." Now she was done with the severing of food.

"Look who is here ." Jhea said as soon as she got into the kitchen.

"You did not tell me that you cook ." Jhea asked and I looked at her, not like she would be ready to learn it anyway.

"Sis , you are awake."

"Jhea , come in . I made Coconut rice. You can join me." Sophie said .Jhea walked in and got to the pot. She savored the aroma of the dish.

I collected my plate and went to the dinning table. Jhea and Sophie joined me .

"So big brother , where are you going?" Jhea asked.

"Just to meet an old friend. Nothing much there is it ?" I asked rhetorically.

"What do you do for a living ?" Sophie asked as she brushed her blonde hair with the back of her palm. Damn! I knew this was Jhea's make up. I coughed hard so as to erase the conversation . I went for more water .

"Sorry dear." Sophie called out.

"Not to worry . Bye guys I'm set to go. " I said. Jhea looked at me with an expressionless face.

"Why ?" she cried.

"Do you expect me to do anything for you? " I shot at her. She only smiled.

"Yes. You could stay around with my friend. We will be bored while your gone." she said. Sophie brought down her face. Damn ! She was really serious about making me get a wife.

"Clen could do that for you. By the way I have not seen him since today, where is he?" I asked. It had just struck my mind that I had not seen my brother since today. You see , when people say women are distractions, you should believe them because I should have noticed that my brother was not in the house.

"He did not come back home yesterday. " Jhea said.

"What!? You mean he has come back since yesterday? " I panicked.

"Why are you worried ? He can take care of himself , can't he ?" Jhea said but I was not listening. I knew more than she knew. A billionaire was out there looking for us and was ready to kill us. That demon of a man was after us .

"I'm leaving. Have a nice day ." I said and rushed out.of through house. Sophie looked at Jhea puzzled at my behaviour but she would never understand. She would never understand.