Chapter Twelve: The Chase

The assassin from before ! It was him. I rushed to the window and looked down

I looked around and saw that he was climbing through on the side wall . It had just a little piece of long metal for a stand . The metal circled round the building. I gulped. What this assassin was doing really risky and I would have to join him.

I climbed down the window, my left hand was still aching from the wicked attack of the fourth man. My blood was still sprouting. I used my tie to tie my right hand to stop it from bleeding. 

I climbed down and watched the assassin corner to the other side. I walked on the metal while pressing my body tight to the wall. I walked sideways while facing the open city. The view from here was great but not really worth the risk. I kept moving steadily. I cornered to the other side and saw the assassin waiting. He bent down his head.

"Who sent you? Who is Solomon Wroth Wis?" I asked as the wind blew my white hair steadily. He did not talk. I walked closer towards him but he did not move. From behind I managed to get out my gun and as soon as I pointed it at him, he fell off the skyscraper. I found myself running on the thin metal to attempt to grip the assassin's hand but he fell off faster than I ran.

I looked down to see him flying a jet pack . He flew down to the ground before landing on the ground and getting on his power bike. I panicked. I could not loose him. Not this time. I looked across the road. There got to be something to help me reach the ground. I stared for a while and after a moment I saw it.

A large truck was about crossing the road infont of me. It was carrying bags of cement and I reasoned that to be he best option to reach the ground. But that was before I got spotted.

"There he is !" a female voice cried out. I turned my neck cautiously to see the girl I had spared and a red haired guy peeping out through the window. I looked down again. The truck was still getting towards the line I was.

The tough girl jumped down the window to face me. She was not nervous about her life in jeopardy. I looked at her as she managed to get out her penknife. I was already with my gun but I did not want to kill her.

Damn! I looked down and saw that the traffic was on red. I cursed to myself. The traffic was not going as I expected. She managed to walk towards me. The red haired guy had disappeared as soon as she came down. I guess, he was getting reinforcement. Wait , Reinforcement!!

The lady struck her penknife at me but I dodged it and moved backwards. She followed me forward. She attempted again but I pressed myself to the wall and she got nothing but air.

My left hand was aching . The gun was in that hand. I felt my hand go numb but as she came attacking again, I shifted and she struck the glass wall . I looked around and saw the assassin on his powerbike. He was moving against the traffic rules.

She came for another attempt but I hit her with my fist. My punch was hard but she was not ready to give in. She attempted again and this time I caught her knife and I threw it away . I swung her to cash the glass wall. She shattered the wall and fell back into the building.

I turned my gaze to the truck. The traffic light was in yellow but I had to fix this fast. I ran on the metallic log and jumped into the wind. I calculated my move but I could have died from the grip of nausea but I didn't.

I landed safely on the truck. A cement bursted open and it stained my already stained cloth. I stood up properly and looked around. I needed to get to the assassin no matter what . I looked forward and saw a flashy car. The lights were about to turn green when I swung the thorn cement at the car.

Every vehicle moved except the car . As the truck was getting past the car, I jumped down on the low car . The cement was on the bumper and the owner, a woman was freaking out. I wonder why women had so much money. But it is obvious, they extort from men.

Anyway, I got down and looked at her. "Get down madam." she tried prove stubborn but I shown her my gun. In seconds she was out. I hot into the car and I pressed the pedal hard and zoomed.

I knew this city well. And I knew how the scum of an assassin would think. He would be heading to the Airline Airport. There was only one route to that. I moved on , driving like an insane driver with no rules. I nearly had crashes. Damn ! I was good at driving but I missed my AI car. That would have made it easier for me . Anyway, I drove on.

I was about getting to a turn when I saw the assassin on his power bike riding fast away. I chased harder. I had finally found him and just doing as I had anticipated.

The thought of me getting one of Solomon Wroth Wis's boys was really fascinating. I chased harder.

We had driven through twists and turns but I kept on. I was not going to miss him . I drove harder . I was surprised that the pedal had not fallen off all this while.

Suddenly, he stopped. The assassin's movement slowed down to a hault. My speed was too high to stop myself but if he thought he could just die in my hands he was a real fucking joker .

I was about few metres close to him when I heard the horn . Horn of what ?!


I looked and saw a truck in restless speed scoring towards me. Death flashed before by eyes. I began searching for the gears. Damn! Were where the gears ?

I looked at the assassin and he waved at me. I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his neck. As I opened the door to run towards the assassin who was making away, the truck came crashing.


The entire area exploded by the crash. I was sent backwards and crashing to the ground. My blood was pouring and wasting away. I was slowly dying. I tried to get up but there was no strength in me. It was then that I saw the feet of about three people. I looked up to see who they were but my eyelids closed in ... nah not death but I could not feel the world around me.

"He is dying. Let's take him to the hospital." That was the last thing I heard before I fainted.