Chapter Fourteen: Clash at Home

I arrived home swiftly. The police officers were going to look for me but I did not care. I had to escape or else they were going to kill me. And what was that they said about the governor coming to meet me? Damn ! I could not think of that now. 

I got into the house and noticed that every was quite. Probably they must have gone for their exams I thought referring to my sister and Sophie. But wait today was Saturday. Yes I had slept off in the hospital after the fainting. My heart began to pound . Had Solomon Wroth Wis gotten them? No this was bad. I rushed past the parlour and got into the girls room . 

I forgot to knock but my anxiety was greater than my thinking. I got in and what I saw was not what I expected to see. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Clen asked me. He was kissing Sophie passionately and from the look of things he had a real intention there. I looked at them in disbelief. 

"Sorry for invading privacy." I said and closed the door. What was I thinking? Damn! I am a fucker. I walked to the parlour. At least I was happy that they were safe. Solomon was not yet here but he will be in time to come . I collapsed on the sofa. My mind raced back to the scene I caught Clen and Sophie in. For some reason I was feeling a kind of pain in my heart.

"What's happening to you bro ? She is just a girl that is Jhea's friend. Clen can do whatever he wants with her. " I assured myself but that did not help it. I looked around and felt the pain grow .

Damn! I did not want to believe what I feared. What did I fear?— I feared that I was beginning to like Sophie. I did want this. 

" What happened to you ?" I looked up to see Sophie standing before me. Was it taking her thus long to notice the bruises and blood on my body.

"You work as a police officer? " she asked as she bent low to look at me. I sighed. A good excuse to her former question thanks to the bloodied police clothes. 

"Yah. We were attacked yesterday ." I said. She touched my wounds slowly. 

"You need a first aid treatment. Why weren't you sent to the hospital. I mean this is a lot blood and injuries." she said. I just stared at her. The act Clen displayed in her room made me go thinking. It seemed like I liked this girl . Damn! 

"Look , I am sorry. " Sophie said, crossing my mind with her words. I looked at her. Why was she saying all these ? I was not supposed to be apologised to.

"I do not have the power to control you . You are not supposed to apologise to me. I do not need an apology. I am nothing to you , you should reserve that for your boyfriend. " I said to her.

"No. You are the person I love. I loved you the day you came to our school . I love you . I was the brain behind me staying here . But when Clen came back yesterday, he forced me into what you saw." I was taken aback by her words. I did not know what to say. 

Clen walked in to see Sophie and speaking to me. I looked with a grin. I gave an expressionless face. Sophie stood to look at us.

"What do you think you are doing ?" Clen said finally looking at me with stern in his eyes. I looked at him in shock. Was he going to argue over a lady? 

"Honestly, I do not what to say to see you. You saw how injured and bloodied I am and yet you ask over a woman. Are that cruel?" I asked. 

"You just shut up. You know why you are after. You have to meet Solomon Wroth Wis and sort yourself out. You a bastard to think that I will look in your face with care ." Clen shot at me. I looked at him as anger flooded in my heart.

This was the same person I saved from death in one our previous hunt and here he was telling this. I felt like crushing him but I struggled to keep my cool. After all he was my elder brother. I sighed and got up from the sofa. I looked at Sophie .

"I have things to think of. Solomon is coming for us and you can't escape it except we work together. And for Sophie, I am not dragging her with you. " I stated and began walking towards my room.

"I love him . I do not love you and from what I can see you that you are a wicked." Sophie said. I paused my movement . Clen grinned in anger.

Clen rushed to her and attempted to slap but I held beck his hand. He turned to look at me. 

"You do not hit a woman like that." I said to him and threw down his hand. He fumed. In the next moment, he jacked me from the ground and roll threw me to the wall. I hit the wall hard and fell to the ground. My wounds ached harder.

"You have the mind to go against me. You fool , you have forgotten that I am your senior brother. I will teach you a lesson that you will not forget in a hurry." he said and grinned. Sophie was panicking now. She did not want any of these to happen. 

I managed to get up , anger boiling through me. I looked at him as anger flooded me. I sprinted towards him and he ducked away. He turned around and faced me. I looked at him.

"I do not want to injured you brother." I said. I knew I would defeat him but I did not want to fight my brother in front of Sophie. Moreover, I was seriously brutalised.

Clen stared at me with wickedness. He grinned and left the parlour. Sophie was visibly vibrating . I looked at her. It was not her fault but I think , she had to go. She had to leave but it struck where was my sister? If Jhea was not with Clen and Sophie in the room , then where was she ? Today was Saturday and there was no schooling on Saturdays.

"Where is Jhea? " I asked Sophie. She stared at me in confusion. 

"Oh my ... I don't know. Gosh! Jhea!" Sophie called out but there was no response.

"Look Jhea is not here. Where the fuck is she?" I asked again. Sophie stammered. "I ...I...I don't know. " 

Damn! I was in a real mess. Jhea was not in the house and my mind kept playing games with me as I imagined her in the hands of Solomon Wroth Wis. I pray she is not with him. Just this once God, let her be safe. I prayed .