Chapter Nineteen: Settling Scores

"That's because he is not a cop. He was never a cop. He is an assassin. We are assassins." 

We all turned to the direction if the voice. Right before us was Clen . He had been in his room when I came out here. I looked at Sophie and I could read the disappointment on her face. Damn! I was in real trouble. Clen was just being hard to deal with. I closed my eyes wishing for the earth to swallow me but nothing happened. I was just there , rooted to the ground like a tree would to the earth. This was not good .

I looked at Sophie with a pleading eye. I knew she was going to burst out but momentarily, she was taking her time to digest what Clen had just said. Why had Clen done it in the first case? Then I remembered , he wanted Sophie to think evil of me so as to win Sophie to himself but I was damn not interested in her. Gish! This was a costly mistake Clen had just made now.

"You mean you assassinate souls? Like this is a joke ?" Sophie asked rhetorically but some what expected an answer. I did not know how to put it but my cerebellum did me a favour.

"Sophie you have to listen to me first. I know I am an assassin but we have to leave." I pleaded. She shot me a distasteful look and I recoiled in embarrassment.

"You kill people for money and then you claimed that you ate your own rival ? Really? You lies that you are a cop. You are not just an assassin but a liar. " Sophie ranted. Clen smiled . I felt like sticking my fingers into his eyes. He was a pain in my ass. I looked at Sophie , secretly pleading for forgiveness.

"Sophie I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you." I said. I tried to act the most calm way I could. I did not know if my face looked innocent but tried to make sure they did.

"You do not need to hurt me , Zhen. You killed people. You took away souls of families and made some innocent children fatherless or motherless. You made parents childless. You caused grief in the heart of many. Those are who you are supposed to apologise to and not me . You are a murderer and..." she paused and stared at me. Then she turned to look at Jhea who was beside her. Jhea wore a long face.

"You about all these. You knew they were assassins and yet you still led me to him. Why? Why? You made me fall in love with him and now this. This? Oh gosh! " a heavy sigh escaped her lips.

I stared at her confused. Did she really mean it when she said she loved me? Damn! I have never loved anyone aside my family or anyone aside my family loving me. I stared at her as Jhea dodged Sophie's gaze. But I knew it was true. It was true that she loved me. I knew this when I saw tears roll down her eyes. Then simultaneously I felt something stir up in me. Anger and hatred began to stir up within me.

"What's the matter Sophie?" I asked softly. She looked at me in silence before speaking up.

"I fell in love with you and you turned out to be worse than anyone I have ever dated. I am leaving." Sophie declared. I loved at her with my eyes blinking in shock.

"No you can't do that. You can't. " I found myself exclaiming. She turned to stare at me.

"Do you now restrict my movement also or are you going to assassinate me?" Sophie teased in mockery.

That felt hard in my chest. I could not argue much. All this was caused by a fellow who was by a corner watching the drama unfold. But she could not leave , Solomon Wroth Wis was after our lives and I was pretty sure he knew about Sophie.

"You cannot leave and I do not plan to assassinate you. Please could just agree with me and stay while we leave to Canada tomorrow. " I argued. Sophie stared at me.

"And you think that I will go with you. You must be the greatest joker to think so." she said and attempted to go towards Jhea's room but I held her by her hand.

"Someone is after my family and he has a lot of connections . He decides who he kills and that's why we are leaving to Canada tomorrow. " I stated.

"How is that supposed to be my business? " Sophie shot at me. I released my hand and sat on a sofa like I always do.

"A powerful guy wants my family dead. He has money large enough to have spied on my family months before his he struck with his plan. And you came into the picture by coming to live with my sister. If I run away safely, he could still force me out by getting you and after that killing you." I explained. She stated at me.

"You caused a problem and expect us to help you solve it? You are a joker." Clen said but I ignored him and waited for Sophie's reply but she did not talk. She was standing rooted ro the ground, I guess thinking.

"So, reason it. This about your safety here. You do not want to get murdered in cold blood , do you?" I said. She stared at nothing.

"So what happens to your sister's exams and mine. Do I have to repeat it again?" she asked but I had thought that out .

"As to that , I could arrange with your school authorities for an online exam. Isn't that okay?" I asked to ensure satisfaction.

Sophie just chuckled. My heart lifted. She was getting back to her usual self. Jhea smiled from the corner and I could tell she could read the meaning.

"Does this mean that you are staying?" I asked. She stared at me fit a while causing my heart to skip thrice faster than normal.

"Yes. I do not want to die . Besides , I think I love you."

My heart melted. She was stealing my heart with her words. I found myself smiling. Jhea smiled. In the next minute , Sophie bent low and planted her soft lips on mine. I was confused and a wave of pleasure passed on my body. Was this what it was to have a kiss? Damn this was the best thing I have ever tasted.

The kiss did mot last long enough for me to continue thinking about it's sweetness. She smiled and outlined my lips. Tears poured down her cheek. Clen stormed out of the house and one could tell that he was as mad as hell.

"Okay guys, just pack up . We leave for Canada tomorrow. " I announced triumphantly . Jhea eyed me but I avoided it.

They went in and I dashed out of the house to meet the forger. Damn! This was a close one. I could have lost Sophie. I began to feel like I was now in love. Damn! Was this what love meant? I thought about all these until I reached the forger's place. He was already waiting for me. I picked up the items and left. I was ready for a sneak up travel.