Chapter Twenty Two : Family

I woke up the next morning exhausted from our journey. I walked to my bath room, washed myself up and after my refreshing bath , I brushed my teeth and prepared myself for the day ahead .

I thought about him for like an hour before laying out my plans. It was going to be a sharp strike. The guy had mentioned him not spending more than two years in Russia , so I had to strike tomorrow. This was getting hectic.

The ideal of killing without expecting a pay was strange to me but what filled the emptiness of money was a strong urge to revenge a backstabber. Revenging Druwex Spenter. 

I walked to the parlour and met Jhea and Sophie cooking. I loved this. Jhea was finally learning dishes from Sophie. Maybe the flight was not so bad after all . I had discussed with the school management and they agreed for her to take her exams from home.

"Already awake sleepy head?" Sophie mocked. I smiled.

"Yah. What are you guys cooking? I love the aroma I am taking in." I commented and Sophie smiled while Jhea laughed. I did not understand why they were laughing but I knew it had to do with me. 

"What's the matter with you guys? Is my question that funny?" I asked as I was not comfortable with them laughing against me. 

They managed to cooperate after a series of complete laughter. I waited for their response.

"OK. First of , you look too hungry . Have you eaten for the past days? You don't look it. Second of, Jhea anticipated that you like food and that is your priority before leaving the house. It's like a ritual. " Sophie explained and I listened. When she was done I did not know what to do. Why was my sister fond of disgracing me infront of the public. She was a frank person and she felt she had the rights to speech and as such she made sure she utilised her rights to the fullest. 

"What? Seriously? Really? You are a joker." I said and got to the pot. I did not fiid too much because I was sure I most times ate once or twice a day. Jhea was just find of using me to joke. I wanted to join her in her play but then I remembered something , something that was too scary to think of. What if... what if Solomon Wroth Wis got her? Damn! I struggled to wave off the thought. I did not want to end up becoming angry.

"What are you doing here? " Laras asked as he walked majestically into the kitchen. We all turned to him.

"Cooking breakfast . Noodles." Sophie said and Jhea laughed a little. I smiled at her.

"Okay Jhea I will be going." I said and began leaving the kitchen.

"Hey , where are you going without telling me? Are you crazy?" Sophie asked and I smiled at her .

"Okay honey. I am off for... Come closer let me whisper it to you , I do not want Jhea to hear if it. Let's are her jealous." I said and walked to her. I grabbed her face close to mine and whispered into her ears.

"Russia, I want to see someone who will help me gey Solomon Wroth Wis ." My hot breaths caressed her neck. She turned her face to look at me. I smiled at her and caressed her face and hair.

In a wave of current, Sophie planted a hot kiss on my mouth. I was nearly taken aback but I stood my ground to prove my worth as a man. I held her tight and then it struck me that we were not alone , Jhea and Laras were onlookers at our love display . I eased myself and removed my mouth from hers.

"Really, brother you need to learn about how to kiss. I would not take such if you were to be my boyfriend. " Jhea snapped at me. I smiled.

"Maybe you could find me a book of tutorials on how to kiss." I mocked at her.

"It is not a problem. I can teach him myself." Sophie offered. "He only needs a matter if consistent kisses." she added.

I smiled at them . I would have loved to stay back and enjoy the company of my family. It was such a pity that I could not. I had to meet Druwex Spenter today and this was going to be my best shot at him because he would run off after this .

"You got a beautiful family, Mr Zhen. I love this. At least you have a caring sister and a loving girl by your side. Nothing could matter more to you than this. You should not take this for granted. Trust me , I have experienced the opposite of this love ." Laras said. I stared at him in pity. I felt sorry for him. 

"Sorry , Mr Laras . Sorry for the bad memories. I did not mean to. I really did not." I apologised. Sophie looked at Laras and so did Jhea .

I walked to the door and stopped half way . I turned to the and smiled at them.

"I will be back. I will be back soon." I said in assurance. 

I was going to kill Druwex Spenter. I was certain I would do so and as to what Laras had just said. I was really not taking my family for granted. I was going to hunt Solomon Wroth Wis down even if it will take my life to do it. I will crush anyone who goes against my family and now that I was in love I will kill more to safe my family. This was going to be brutal but I was going to protect my family no matter what it took from me .

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