Out of the thirteen men, only two were required to carry me. Aishen led the group. She walked along the pathway, staring at the man on the left. From afar, a large door could be sighted. It was golden bronze and radiated with beauty.
"Is this where you are to take him?" a man asked. Aishen smiled as she touched her head. Her head was bleeding due to tge injury produced by my attack.
"Your job was to deliver him to the Coach House," Aishen said, motioning to the room in front of them. The man tried to speak, but he shut his mouth when he saw the face of Aishen. Her tone was stern and harsh.
They walked until they got into the room. Aishen paused in front of the room door. Her mind roamed to think of the men she was to meet. They were delivering a target of Solomon Wroth Wis to his agents. She brushed her hands on her silk brown hair as she winced in pain.