"Who says that they are fake?" She answered calmly.
Cosmos let go of her hand but he continued to block the door and retained the amused look on his face. "Come on, we both know what you are, a villainess crying for a horse." He chuckled and shook his head. "I thought that you wanted to win his heart and grasp his loyalty firmly, fighting with him is not the way to accomplish your goal."
Sigrid smacked her lips and wagged her finger, "There are many ways to skin a rat Cosmos, I do not have all of his loyalty yet and as for his heart, we both know that he does not love me.
I must set boundaries early enough in order to protect myself, he should understand that things which belong to me cannot be taken or given away at his whims.
Today he takes my horse and tomorrow it could be my position as crown princess. I will not take chances, everything, no matter how small must be used to my advantage.