The air in the office became more unsettling the longer that Lord Vanger hesitated, keeping his head bowed without responding.
It became even more tumultuous when Sigrid's fan made an appearance, her people knew what that meant. A few wondered if there was a better way of convincing Lord Dane to sign the documents, violence was not always the right way after all. But, others like Brolin did not mind Sigrid's way of doing things, it was more efficient and kept everyone in line.
"Your hand is not moving, I don't see any signing going on." Sigrid said softly and then her voice lost the softness and took on a sternness. "Look at me Lord Vanger, I command you."
A royal command was not one that could be disobeyed, Lord Vanger raised his eyes and met Sigrid's narrowed ones that were accompanied by a cold smile that made him shiver.
"What is it that you are dissatisfied with? Is it the money, do you think that I have offered you too little?" she asked.