Better than expected.

"Father-in-law, I hear many things, some I have come to believe are false. A lot of nobles are sending servants to my restaurants so that they can gossip deliberately for other people to overhear and spread wrong information.

Some of it is correct of course, but I believe most is inaccurate. The only way to know for sure is to find proof of what is said and I don't really care to look into gossip.

For example, someone got drunk in one of the private dining rooms and apparently claimed that the Silberuss family had a map of another piece of the Eclipsion sword.

I wanted to bring this information to you, but I am afraid that it is just gossip. They are descended of royal blood, I have seen people kneel before arch duke Karlton in reverence, princess Livia respects no one in this kingdom. Lord Douglass has trampled ten people to death with his horses in the city because they did not make way for him. Everybody says they are untouchable and all powerful."