The king chuckled, and he put down the cup of coffee. "Which fool came up with that lie?" His eyes cleared in realization. "I know, it's because everyone is watching that rise of lady Blanche. I should meet with the brains behind it so that they can make some changes to what they are showing the people. It is giving the royal family a bad image, when people look at us, it is almost as if they are seeing the TV characters coming to life."
"If you do that, they will talk all the more and assume you have something to hide. It is entertainment, just let the people have their fun.
I heard that the mage estate is about to launch a new type of entertainment called live television. Your highness, you should visit them and see what that is about.
Perhaps you can create Raff TV, or Royal channel...or something like that. You can educate the citizens on the history of Eldoria, the different kings we have heard through the years.