"Princess, what a lovely party you have hosted. I was blown away by the care you put into setting this place up. However, if I can advise you about one thing, will you listen to me? Maybe we can go in that corner and…"
"No, thank you. The fact that you thought of coming up to me and offering this to me is more than enough. I would not want to take any more of your time and waste it. Please, enjoy this party in the meantime. My staff prepared a lot for it."
Princess Evelyn smiled at the person who asked her if they could talk alone in the middle of this ball.
It might have come across as rude, but the princess had no intention of giving anyone her precious time unless it directly benefited her.
Countess Lola had coached her on who the important people here were, and those people were the only ones Lola wanted to focus on and form a relationship with.