The Quaint Shop

Huff, huff, huff...

Panting in agony, Subaru found himself in front of a derelict building, not at all reminiscent of what the advertisement's banner displayed. Subaru thought to himself, hmm, must be the wrong place; it doesn't even look like the poster at all!

Having nothing else to lose, he braced himself, covering his trembling shoulders with the faded jacket before entering the store.

Bracing for a rundown, creaky, and leaking building, he was shocked by what he saw next.

A cozy aroma emanated from the shop, with gadgets of all sorts hanging around the interior. Hanging on the walls were bicycle gears, circuit boards, chainmail, and swords...

Wait, chainmail and swords! Aren't they illegal to own in Japan!?

Taken aback, Subaru rubbed his eyes, hoping that what he saw was an illusion.

Yet they still remained.

Going back, his feet knocked over a bowl filled with... kitty kibble? Out from the shadows, a black and white cat meowed, anger visible in its face. Reaching Subaru's feet, it lifted its hind leg, giving him a swift, yet painful kick.

Ouch! How can a cat kick this hard?

Hopping in pain, Subaru knocked into the chainmail chest plate, jingling his presence throughout the shop. "Is anyone there?"

From within the shop, a tall, old man emerged, his broad shoulders grazing both edges of the doorway. Sharp blue eyes pierced Subaru, the only thing visible from his thick, pale beard. Lifting his worn cotton shirt, he approached the counter.

Gulping, Subaru nervously backed away, but unfortunately hit a stray coat rack on the way. Turning his head, the old man looked at Subaru before smiling ear to ear. "Ah, Guten Morgen, my dear mon—ahem, customer. How can I help you?" Taken aback, Subaru questioned him, "Um, didn't you say mo—?" "Nein, nein, nein, you must have heard wrong. It happens sometimes, I know it does." Despite the reassurance, his eyes said otherwise.

"Okay, anyways, I heard that you will do any type of job, and that first consultations are free. So, could you do a job for me, please?" Sighing, the old man pinched both eyes. "Damn offers, always the offers. You can't do any business without giving a 'first one is free' or 'buy one, get one free'. Ugh, you can't do anything nowadays without giving more for less. Anyways, what job can I do for you?"

Holding both hands over his shoulders, the old man slumped over the counter, his eyes fixed on Subaru. Weirded out, Subaru took a picture from his jacket and handed it to the old man. As the old man glanced at the picture, his pupils shrank in shock.

"Umm, earth to mister, earth to mister, can you hear me?" The old man, coming back to his senses, asked, "So, what do you need me to do?" Subaru, without hesitation, replied, "Please find it for me. It's the last keepsake my mother gave me before she was killed." Giving one last glance, the old man put the picture into a scanner before uploading it to his laptop.

"You can go now and come back tomorrow. I'll have it back by then. Oh, and don't call me mister. I have a name, and that name is Albert Klausner, from Germany.

Now even more spooked, Subaru quickly escaped from the store.

Just as he disappeared from Albert's vision, a large swarm of creatures emerged from the shadows of the store, their eyes blazing red.

No longer were his eyes warm, transforming into sharp swords. In a deep baritone, commanded them:

"Go, and get me the Amulet of Strathfife by tomorrow at 8:00 AM."

It seems the gears of fate are turning, changes coming...