Main Quest: Find... Amulet?

Haruto Noburami had the worst day in his life.

His boss fired him from his job, his wife cheated on him with a colleague from work (he ranked lower than him in hierarchy!), he finds out his own daughter is not his, his parents ran away, leaving all their debt to him...

It seems that his whole life is a joke at this point.

Just as he was dousing himself with canned beer on a park bench, a tie wrapped around his forehead, he heard tiny patters below him. Annoyed by the sound, he looked down to find these creatures and crush them, to assert a small sense of authority over their tiny, useless lives.

His eyes shrank.

Tiny arachnids, in small puddles, marched in groups, each scattering in different directions with different objectives. Their mass, horrific in size, intimidated him.

That's not what scared him, though.

Oh no, what scared him were what they were.

Tiny crimson eyes lit up from deep within their shells; their small claws pitter-pattered across the stone pavements. Glimmers from their surfaces revealed their shells to be made of metal. Sparks kept occurring as they trudged forward.

Haruto watched from the bench, huddled into a ball, too terrified to breathe. He watched in horror as they marched toward their goal, in awe of their sheer magnitude. Just as they were about to leave, one drifted away from the colony, dragging a piece of paper. It jumped onto the bench, handing him a piece of paper—a lottery ticket, to be precise. Upon glancing at the ticket, Haruto realized it was the mega jackpot winner of 100 million yen.

I'm rich, I'm rich!

Dancing with joy, Haruto attempted to thank the spider, but when he looked up, it had disappeared. When he attempted to search for it, he saw it leaving over the horizon. "Thank you, thank you so much! I hope you find what you... guys are searching for. I'll never forget this."

All the spider did was lift its tiny claw and salute a goodbye.

Mini episodes of this type kept occurring as they searched across the city for their master's missing item, the Amulet of Strathfife. Wherever injustice or help was needed, they would stand up and help the person in need.

Although their mission was their first priority, helping others was encouraged, as long as it did not compromise that priority.

Despite their endeavor, they still did not manage to find their target. They searched all over the city of Toyonaka, from the rivers to the drains, from the roads to the bridges, from the streets to the homeless encampments—tirelessly.

Yet they still could glean no sign of their missing target. Feeling dread settling in, they resigned themselves to their fate (they were being too dramatic), with no hope in sight. Just when they were about to return home, a small signal was intercepted.

A small signal from a small shop, named Jyoti Karaoke.

Hope rising, they gathered themselves once more, spirits ablaze.

Creating a small tactical raid team, they marched into the store, congregating toward the center of the signal. Slipping past the early employees, they headed to room number 7, where they finally found their target.

Nestled between the sofas, was a shining, gleaming amulet.