On his way to the sixth level of the dungeon, August thought of what might he encounter next and on which level ? According to what he noticed from previous levels, he derived a theoretical conclusion that the next monster he would encounter probably on tenth level/ floor. Because he didn't find any in the first four levels.
His theory was proven immediately wrong, upon entering the sixth level. Unlike all the previous ones, this level was by far the most different one. There were the two gates and the symbol above them
[ ----[ V| ]---- ]
But something was different about this level because, apart from the two gates there were more, at least six of them. But these weren't ordinary, giving away a dangerous aura -- anyone could tell that these gates were bad news.
Thinking about only leaving this place as quickly as one can, August turned towards the left gate. Only when he saw something moving in one of the extra gates. Curious about that he took a glance, to his surprise it wasn't a monster but a human girl, about twenty years old, dragging her self drenched in blood, with her both legs broken. Unable to speak, looking at August in hope of receiving any help-- from inside the gate.
August rushed towards her as soon as he saw a pitiful human girl yearning for his help. Morally it was defined that a person's life takes priority above anything else but here at the cost of time, there was another life on the line which did weigh more in the eyes of August.
He thought of providing her with healing enough so that she could walk out here. The moment August stepped foot inside that gate, the girl vomited blood and died on the spot. A person dying in front of him was the first time experience for the young boy.
Not knowing about how to react in that situation, he was stunned. August was processing the moment in front of him, his eyes wide open in shock standing there, just after a few seconds, two people a boy and a girl came running from the same direction as the previous girl.
It was the same with them, covered in blood, as though they were running from something dangerous.
August immediately stepped up this time. The crying girl ran and hid behind him but the boy wasn't that lucky. Just when he was about to reach August, he tripped, fell and died immediately -- vomiting blood just like the previous one.
' Oh.....no.... What's happening ? I couldn't save them ? No I'm pathetic, what am I even doing ? I am a failure, i couldn't save anyone, all that magic and swordsmen ship crap and I'm still pathetic, yes that's right, I am a coward. I cannot do anything right, these people died, because of me... No i ...I have to do something
..... somethin.....'
It was like the dungeon was playing tricks on his mind.
A sweet calming voice rang in his head saying :
{ Don't do anything, just give up. It's alright, you can rest..... Sleep. That's right forget all the useless things and sleep.}
' I have to do something, i can't let it end like that, i refuse... No '
In the depth of his sleep, August experienced and excruciating pain. As if his heart has been torn apart. For a moment he was unable to feel his heart beating. Not being able to breath properly, he felt like his lungs would implode if he breathed forcibly.
Trembling in that sorry state of his, trying to endure the pain he closed his eyes which were tearing up.
But then he heard the ringing of a loud yet sweet bell and surprisingly the pain of his was gone, there was lag and recoil though.
" No! " August shouted loudly as he could, waking up from a long sound sleep of his,
sweating profusely, feeling immense heat gathering inside him. After some time of enduring this feeling of discomfort, August finally was able to lower his body temperature.
" What's this ? .... Where am I.....oh right " recalling the moments just before he fell asleep, August looked around him desparately as he found the horrific scenario before him.
In front of him lying a corpse of a young boy with red blood of his spilled all over the place, drenched in blood the body looked pale. As he gulped and looked behind him, it was also same as before. The first girl lying dead on the same spot.
The only thing missing was the one girl who hid behind him. As he noticed the decreased brightness of the independent flames he sat up before moving through the dungeon, August was surprised but more than that disappointed at himself.
According to his estimate, he was asleep for about two days. ' two days, It can't be. What should I do '
as the terrifying clouds of thoughts gathering inside the mind, but this time for some reason, he wasn't affected by that at all. It was though, he had gained some kind of immunity.
Thinking the girl might probably be out of the dungeon by now, August decided to not waste a single second more on these worthless thoughts.
As he turned back after getting up, he heard a loud cry coming back from that part of dungeon from where these people were running.
And to make the situation worse, August seemed to recognise that voice as it felt same to him that he had heard before.
" Ah... Not again ? "
' I saved one girl that's enough. But I didn't saw her leaving the dungeon though so I can't be sure of that by now. What if it is the same girl as before. I should save her... Yes, don't be selfish August. It's humanity to save each other from danger. '
August ran towards the incoming scream, as he reached the end he saw many people surrounding that young girl. When he watched carefully, the girl was being tied to a pillar at the centre. Around her at least ten people who were enraged for some reason, ready to burn her alive.
" What ? What are you all doing ? " August shouted instinctively, being unable to think straight. All the eyes in the room turned towards him. Looking at him for a few minutes, they ignored him.... The man in the center looking like the leader of all, threw a bucket full of inflammable liquid on the girl.
Bathed in it, she was begging for help. Watching, screaming her lungs out August, despite of his pain stepped up to help the poor girl. The moment she was about to burned with fire, he quickly ran and stood in between, for her defence.
" Fool, what are you doing ? Step aside, that's a monster, she will devour you. Let her burn in pain and agony. " The crowd was going mad against him.
The fact that he was sleeping for two days while people died in front of him, and the girl who was about to be burned alive, was already too much for him to handle in that state.
August didn't know anything, neither who in the world these people were nor why were they trying to kill her. His thoughts were swarming with numerous questions. Not having enough time to think it through as he knew in that moment that he have to act quickly.
Blinding everyone temporarily with a flash of lightning.
He untied the girl by burning the ropes around her.
Due to many cuts and bruises on her skin and fatal injuries she was unable to even stand up.
August picked her in his arms and looked around for the exit. To his surprise there were two, one from where he came and the other at it's opposite direction.
Before losing her consciousness, the girl said in her shaking voice pointing towards the exit
' there it is '
Upon waking up when she opened her eyes, she said watching August sitting at some distance from her
" Thank you sir, for helping me, but where are we ? "
With his expressionless face he said
" We are at the level six "
" What ? " She asked being surprised.
" I told you where the exit was. Then why did you took the other way ? "
Staying silent for a few seconds, he said calmly
" You know, I had my suspicions from the start.....
Like, why did the first two people I met died in a strange way. Running from something, they coughed up some blood and died, how oddly similar, wasn't it ?
And then I woke up after two days and the people who didn't even behave like normal ones tried to burn you alive. I mean why did they even waited for two days. Huh? Only if they were some mindless fools.
It doesn't make any sense...
My suspicions of you were proven right when you told me to go in an opposite direction of the real exit....
Can you tell what I am feeling right now ? ....
' You monster ' ? "
Surprised by his words, with the running tears from her eyes she said " Sir why are you...? "
" I asked you a question, didn't I ? Just tell me can you guess what am I feeling right now ? Monster ? " Keeping up with the same expressionless face of his August asked.
" You too think I am a monster huh ? " Looking down at the floor she said while sobbing continuously.
" Enough with that facade of yours, you can't fool me with those illusions ' Shadow weaver ' "
August said and the girl stopped crying immediately.
The creature that could mimic others by changing appearance and creating illusions in order to lure their target in and play with it before devouring it whole. These types of creatures were called as
' shadow weavers '
Wiping the tears off she sighed deeply and started laughing " ha....ha....aa...you brat you dare call me a monster. Do you know how much time I've spent building those scenarios and you dare to refer my creations as mere illusions ? "
Standing up as her eyes grew wider, gritting her teeth in anger she immediately attacked August with a black liquid coming from her palm. As it splashed around there was a huge blast and fire afterwards.
" Ha.... Die you filthy human, it's a pity that I didn't get the chance to savour you properly "
Smirking with victory she turned back, with the lightning trails all over the place she was surprised, looking behind once again she felt someone standing behind her.
Grabbing her neck from behind August said
" You took too long to answer my question, so let me explain myself.
What I am feeling right now is anger, that too is over the limit that it can be called as rage.
You will pay for wasting my precious time "
Trying to speak properly with her neck grabbed from behind she said
" ha ..... You human, you can't hurt me here, it's my domain "
Whispering in her ear from behind he said
" Look around, you moron. It's the main level sixth not the extra one. That was your domain, this is a neutral ground, try guessing how did I know ?
Let me answer again, your pesky illusions didn't follow you into this level. It was a mistake that you thought I am like other humans who would save a poor girl without thinking...
And the last thing, who said anything about hurting you ?