Grabbing her neck from behind, he whispered in her ear, " who said anything about hurting....
The confidence that she had built up after devouring countless creatures of different races was shattered at that instant. To think she would tremble in fear facing up against an enemy -- a human on top of all that.
Her eyes grew wider as August began to crush her neck from behind with his bare hands. Using her formless move, she escaped near death.... Immediately taking a few steps back gasping heavily, feeling the trembling in her whole body, she knew that she had messed with the wrong opponent this time.
August immediately attacked her head on an said
" Hey ! You already have wasted enough of my time, come quietly i promise your death would be the most painful one "
" You, filthy human, who do you think you are talking to huh ? I am not someone to be belittled by the likes of you " said the mimic, dodging his attack nearly.
Enraged, he inhaled in anger and said
" you talk too much "
Taking advantage of the negative wind pressure, August increased his speed of attack which was supersonic. Initiating the attack, with his fists covered in lightning, breaking the sound barrier and leaving behind a sonic boom.
He hit her faster than the monster could react. Not being able to use her formless move on time, she got hit pretty badly, lying on the floor with a huge impact crater around her.
Coming at her he said
" you are like a shadow huh ? Then i will kill you with light "
With his fists covered with trails of lightning walking slowly towards her, the shadow - weaver saw the death itself. As her last attempt to save herself she started begging for mercy...
" Please....please don't kill me, i beg of you, forgive me this time please...."
Watching her in this state, August didn't even flinch as he said " they also begged for their lives, didn't they ? "
" Who ? " she asked -- terrified and unable to move from the floor.
" The people you've killed "
A beast who only lived for herself, misusing the power she had -- preying on the weak. The monster who had done such things in her whole life obviously would have developed the sense of her own righteousness. It is the rule of this world after all, where the strong survive and the weak pay by his life. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
And the strong who use their powers to bully the weak would also have their own -- made morals to justify their actions.
And the thing about these morals was that they affect the way people think, strongly. The monster lying there also had the strong judgment of her actions, the things she had done -- in her eyes they weren't wrong.
But the human coming towards her with an intention to take her life didn't share the same sense of judgement as her.
So in order to save her life she began to take desperate measures as changing her form and the voice....
" Don't do it Son, you don't want to do it, I could you kill your own mother ? "
Taking the appearance of lady Silvia, the monster tried to use his emotions against him and she got what she expected upto a certain extent.
Watching as August stopped midway through she thought now she had a chance to save her life...
August looked at her, his face - gone expressionless again, as she started crying more and more.
Inhaling deeply he said "..... you "
Her face lit up in happiness.
His killing intent grew more fierce, the lightning was brighter than ever before, his black hair flowing in the air revealing his red turned dark eyes properly.
August attacked her even faster than the previous time. Closing the gap within no time he said in her ear completing the sentence before dealing the final blow.
" You went a little overboard there "
The whole place got lit up from lightning and as expected the numerous trails originated from the final strike had wiped out the existence of that dirty trick - playing monster leaving behind nothing but ash and the signs of impact.
Erasing a sinful soul, sure made him feel happy but killing someone is never good.
Sitting on the floor, catching a breath he stood up again knowing that he doesn't have any more time to waste. August headed towards the next level with his newfound ability to move even faster.
He covered the distance between sixth and the seventh level faster than the previous ones.
Upon reaching at the seventh level, there were similarities just like the previous one, there were at least eight extra gates. Not concerning himself with them, August continued moving ahead. The things got a little different at the eighth level.
It was filled with a deep swamp. Looking at the swamp, anyone could easily tell that there was something hiding deep into that.
Sensing that someone had entered in its domain, the monster made its presence seen as it came out of the swamp. A giant Scorpion like creature with eight legs ( four on each sides ), along with it's chitinous exoskeleton and a giant venomous stinger.
The creature with it's four eyes was just staring at August as if to analysing him to mark as a friend or foe. August also didn't pull any tricks himself.
For a beast, there weren't any creatures to be called as friends, they were wild creatures that used to prey on every thing after all.
Looking at it carefully August was not sure to pick a fight with it or not but he noticed something on its exoskeleton. As if, it was being corroded and because of that the creature was also at discomfort.
He glanced at the swamp and immediately knew the problem, that this was a pond with clean water before. But now it was looking nothing more than a pond full of sludge.
Fearing that something wasn't right here because it was still water, although having multiple inlets this water wasn't moving. He thought for sure if there are inlets, there would probably be an outlet also and his hunch was that outlet would probably be at the bottom.
There was no time to think anymore, he has to act quickly. By raising both of his hands as a sign of telling the creature that he had no intention to attack it. It seemed like the creature understood somehow, it was pretty wounded itself -- with the corroded exoskeleton of its, there was no telling which breath would be it's last one.
Also there was a question that if this beast posesses intelligence to understand humans, then how and why did he end up here ? ...
Without thinking much anymore August inhaled deeply and holding his breath he jumped into the swamp because it would have taken a long time to prepare some kind of spell to help him breathe underwater.
As expected there was no visibility inside the swamp, it was darker than the dungeon itself in here. Reaching at the bottom, closing his eyes August thought if hearing would help finding the outlet. But to his surprise he sensed a presence of a strong curse type spell, which was being used for binding and not letting the water escape thus resulting in a swamp.
Even after trying so hard to undo the spell, there was no time as he was losing his breath. At that moment he ditched the idea of undoing it and simply did rewrite.
To be precise, he modified a smaller part of the spell to set a time limit --- he was not able to control the amount though.
As he succeeded, the water began to escape from the opened channel all at once creating a giant whirlpool. August being stuck in the water, got pulled in that whirlpool too. Just when he was about to be sucked completely along with the dirty water, the creature raised his stinger towards him, in order to help him.
The dirty water got replaced by the clean water.
Shortly after that when August was catching a breath lying on the floor ( out of the water ) he heard
the announcement again.
' Ah.... I see, a riddle huh ? Well I guess this isn't the time to think about extra stuff. '
After resting for about five minutes, he opened his eyes and saw the pond being clear and covered with a strange mist.
Resting on the surface of water, the wounds of that creature seemed to be healing.
' what ? How ? Does this water contains any healing magic ? ' looking him wondering in his thoughts the creature moved back to grab his attention.
Watching it floating back August asked as he understood quickly
" what ? Do you want me to enter this pond ? "
With no reply from the creature's end
" Oh yes that's right, I am a moron. Like you will answer me. " With his clothes on he entered the pond.
' doesn't matter, my clothes are also filthy from before,...Ahhhh..... Is this heaven?. Why does this water feel warm and gentle especially on my wounds.
Elythria' s tears huh ? I guess this is an healing pond after all. '
When August opened his eyes feeling the warmth of the water on his injured body, he was surprised that the giant creature which was floating with him on the surface of this water was gone. As if it vanished into the thin air.
Well, he reminded himself that there was no time even to be surprised.
" It's not like we were friends or something, besides I am glad i didn't have to fight that monster. I was too exhausted to use any of my magic attacks. But thanks to this bath, now i am Fully recovered. "
Uttering these words to himself, August using fire + wind type spells instantly dried himself along with his clothes.
Not wasting much more time he headed towards the next level.