Soon after August was done with the seventh level, his wounds fully healed up to the point that he felt as being reborn.
Upon reaching the eighth level, August saw a swarm of centipedes, waiting for him. It was a relief, that was not on the ground level. As he looked down In the light of flames, he saw countless long centipedes swarming around.
He would've probably fallen into that pit if he had acted carelessly. Looking straight towards the gates and the symbol of the eighth level
' it's good, I can cross this level without having to fight these insects.'
There was a pretty good chance to escape that level without concerning himself with those monsters indeed, only if he could fly or make a jump to cover the distance in between.
Lucky for August, he had recovered all his strength by bathing in the ' Elythria's tears '. He wasn't very confident with his wind magic-- be able to fly properly with it. But a jump using the same spell high enough to cover the distance in between was a piece of cake for him.
With that jump, August escaped the eighth level in no time and headed for the next one.
The ninth level was something, August never expected it to be. Well he, was mentally prepared to face any danger, even more fierce than before but to his surprise there was nothing in that level.
No traps, no monsters, no extra gates... August walked along the room to the left gate very carefully, fearing that something might ambush him if he let his guard down, one more reason to be careful was that he was feeling a strong presence around him, but to his surprise, nothing attacked him.
When he reached the gate, the nearest corner of the room got lit up by the independent flames surrounding him. As the darkness slowly disappeared he saw a boy younger than himself, sitting in the corner, fatally wounded and barely keeping his eyes open.
' It might be another illusion ' he thought
' I will not waste any more time concerning myself with these creatures '
Another reason for him to not help him was the powerful aura the young boy was emitting.
He wasn't a human and that's for certain August thought.
With the every second passing by, the boy was nearing his death.
' So what if he needs help ? I can never be sure, if it isn't another trick to lure me in. Besides I don't have much time to waste concerning myself with these matters. ' he thought as he was about to head out in the left gate.
But at that moment when his inner thoughts were in a conflict, he glanced at the boy again and was reminded of the riddle he received as the tip before :
what it is meant to be human, what humanity means -- the ones having power should also help the ones in need.
' Yes, that's right. The aura this boy has is surely not of a human. But it doesn't matter, even if he turns out to be a monster, i shouldn't ignore someone who needs my help.
If it is an illusion, I will make him pay, but if it is not - then, a life will be saved today by my hands.
Yes, that's right - I have to help him, I will help him '
As August gathered his thoughts, as he finally decided to help the poor kid, he walked towards him, sat on a knee and asked
" Who are you ? "
Watching someone in front of him, the boy immediately assumed a defensive position.
" There's no need for you to fear me, tell me your name or who are you and how did you end up here ? "
As he remained silent, August knew that his questions were too much for the bleeding boy to answer. The pain he was in -- could be seen on his face.
As he opened his mouth to say something, the boy fell unconscious.
When the boy opened his eyes, he found himself in a pond full of warm water which felt good on his injuries. As he was reminded of the injuries, he immediately looked for the fatal wounds that he received but to his surprise all the wounds were healed.
Lying in there he was feeling good as if he was recovered fully. Closing his eyes in comfort he heard a voice
" Hey! Wake up kid "
Surprised - he looked in the direction of voice. Behind him he saw a boy older than him, sitting on the floor waiting for him to answer.
" What ? Are you deaf ? " August asked.
As he remembered the person who saved him he answered
" No sir, i can talk "
" Oh! Can you now ? Then tell me your name. " August asked.
" My name is Noir flameborn " the boy replied respectfully.
" Noir, huh ? Well you don't look human ? I can sense an enormous aura around you, which is now more powerful than before, so who are you ? " August asked with a strict attitude.
" Yes, it is true that I am not a human " Noir replied.
Looking at him fiercely August asked
" So are you a monster, creature, a beast or something.... Perhaps a mimic ?, well it doesn't matter jusy tell me the truth, and don't try to lie you understand ? "
Somewhat fearing him the boy replied being intimidated
" Dragon! I am a dragon "
" Dragon huh ? "
' he does seem to be telling the truth, if he's a dragon it surely explains his powerful presence. '
as his suspicions of the boy being a mimic were reduced he asked him with rather a simple tone
" So Noir, tell me how did you end up here ? "
Closing his eyes in despair, being remembered about something horrible he replied
" You saved me, so I guess you deserve to be answered.
It began when our lands were under attack. The motive behind that attack was to kill us all, to wipe out the whole dragon clan.
My father, ' the dragon king ' was able to evacuate most of our people while defending our lands against the enemy. I on the other hand refused to leave his side but when our forces were fallen in front of the enemy, at his last breath, using the last of his energy, father opened a portal for me to escape.
When I refused, he told me that his last wish is - for me to remain safe.
I was sent to an unknown forest. But i didn't knew that enemy was chasing after me. As he was too powerful for me to handle, I ran as fast as i could and soon after I was able to lose him.
Being injured with grave wounds, I came across a dungeon entrance in the forest. When i entered that all the monsters began to run out of fear.
Since I was bleeding very badly I sat at a corner and i don't remember much after that. Only that I saw you and nothing else. "
Listening to him speak August was silent for some time as he thought about the kind of reputation dragons hold.
They were seen as the proud and kind creatures with high sense of morality. They were the species that wouldn't tell lies.
With that, August believed his story.
But the young dragon judging from the silence thought the boy in front of him had more suspicions towards him. Coming out of the pond, bowing his head in respect he said
" Thank you sir for saving my life, would you please tell me your name ? "
August replied " my name is AUGUSTUS "
" So sir Augustus, please feel free to carry out the things you were doing. I do not wish to burden you with myself further more. I will leave at once and i promise you to pay you back for your kindness someday. "
Said the boy standing there bowing down to him waiting for the approval.
Looking at him being respectful towards the person who saved him, erased any more suspicions August had of him. He surely had the dignity of royalty in his speech but that wasn't enough for him to survive in this place.
" So you know how to get back ha ? " August asked and saw the boy silent thinking about an answer but was at a loss of words.
With the water dripping from his wet clothes he said
" Ummm..... Can you please tell me the way to the level where I was ? "
At first August thought of telling him about the right gate as an exit but he stopped midway as there was no telling that every level would have the same exit.
But the boy asked himself the way to the ninth level to which August seemed to be approved of.
He sighed and stood up, with the same wind + fire type spell he dried wet clothes of the boy.
And now without blood on it, his face could be clearly seen. Small stature, dark hair, bluish eyes and a good looking face. The boy was son of the dragon king through and through.
After drying him up, August said " follow me "
Crossing the seventh level they reached the eighth with a centipede filled pit in between.
" Uhmm sir ? How will we cross this ? " Asked the boy with confusion written on his face.
" What ? You said you are a dragon, can't you fly ? "
August said picking on him.
" That's true but i haven't learnt how to fly in this form and the place is pretty cramped for me to transform "
Said the boy.
" Then can't you even jump ? " August said with the same tone.
" I can but not this far..." Said the boy clearly embarrassed.
August remembered that there is not much time to waste, grabbing the boy with his clothes from behind he was about to make the jump when the boy said being annoyed
" Sir, I am royalty.... You can't lift me like that, it's disgraceful to my pride "
Looking at him with serious expressions August said
" Do you want to get smacked ? "
" No "
replied the boy in the lower tone, fearing him.
jumping their way to the next level, they reached Ninth one successfully.
August pointing at the right gate said
" This is the exit, you can go if you wish to "
" Thank you sir, I will surely repay your kindness " said the boy as he began to walk towards the gate.
" You sure! The enemy won't be waiting for you at the exit ? And you sure you know your way back to the dragon lands ? "
Hearing these words from August, the boy stopped, sweating as he gulped.
" who am I kidding, you are dragon after all, you would surely know how to open a portal. " August shouted in a loud sarcastic tone.
The boy standing there in mixed feelings of fear and embarrassment, his eyes were tearing up --- at loss of words, he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard August saying
" you can come with me if you want to "
As Noir looked at August extending his hand towards him with a smile, the young boy after a long time felt something.....warm -- like in this world where he is surrounded by his enemies, a light, a hope has found him.
A young boy far from his own kind, chased by the enemies, and who had lost all hope felt something familiar in that moment, like he was at home,
like he was reunited with his father.
The boy in his sobbing voice taking his hand said
" Thank you again sir for your generosity "
Picking at him August said
" hey! drop this formal royal speech of yours, I get it you are future dragon king.... But please would you ?"
Smiling with his teary eyes the boy replied
" Okay sir "
As August gently patted his head, consoling the young boy, he said
" Also don't call me sir "
( And on their way to the next level )
" If not sir then should I call you big brother instead ? "
" Ah! Here comes One more idiot in my life. "
" What did you just say, big brother ? "
" I said Do you really want to get smacked ? "
" Ahmmm.... No "