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Unbeknownst to him, Baaz entered a profound state as new lines of information that felt like new sets of memories have been implanted in his head.Knowledge entered his mind about the world that was Quatlas.
The planet Quatlas is an Earth-like planet that is approximately fifty times the size of planet Earth, and its gravity was four times that of the latter. It is located in a thinly populated solar system with 9 other planets.
The planet is made up of seventeen continents, with myriades of islands found in the oceans.The continent of Avalon being the largest and the Solace continent being the smallest.On it you can find diversity of beings from humans,to mystical species like dragons.From a size point of view,solace can easily dwarf the biggest continent on earth by ten times the landmass. All the nine continent makes up for 71% of the planet's landmass.
Three moons orbit the planet and Quatlas itself orbits a yellow sun in an elliptical pattern.The existence of the energy called Mana which can be harnessed by every living being on the planet, helps Quatlas set itself apart from the other planets in the solar system.With it, it's inhabitants gained power and some even becoming exalted beings.Mana is a mystical energy that comes from the planet itself. Like a heart, it pulses mystical energy generally called mana, to every corner of the world.It is a very powerful system of energy that when mastered can allows one to perform miracles.
Wide ranges of beings have access to this mystical energy, due to this; studying and harnessing mana long overtook the other field of studies.Knowledge and mystical energies pass from one life to another whenever one ends and another begins. Bloodline here plays a central role because if your ancestor happened to be powerful you are more than likely to be powerful too, as such caste systems like nobility are more prevalent here.
But don't be mistaken if your Bloodline gives you an easier path to power it does not guarantee that you will attain it.Those who aren't born with powerful mystical energies use their determination as a driving force to propel themselves forward.
Due to the existence of mana the history of the planet was written in blood. War broke out many times in these past millenniums and peace was a delicate thing to maintain. But it has also made the daily life of living beings more prosperous.Mana is a double-edged sword, a difficult one to balance and to use.
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While Baaz's was still examining his memories,the goblins were given access to the room of their captain. Instantly their demeanor changed,slower they opened the door,the room was then revealed to them.It was not everyday that them normal goblins were able to have a direct meeting with a captain so they took a few seconds to observe the room.It was mostly dark,but for them it was not that big of a deal,in there on both sides, you could see a variety of things.From bones of creatures,to crude shaped daggers,you could even see some plants growing in,this was one of the rare place where the mana was more dense.Ten meters away, a Hobgoblin could be seen.He was tall, approximately 5 feet,his body was packed with muscles and he exuded an air of ferocity,he was currently enjoying himself with meat from some monster.The two goblins took great care to no disturb him, so they just stood and tried to make themselves as little as possible. A good five minutes passed before the Hobgoblin judged that they have been waiting long enough,having finished his meal he turned to them and growled:
" Chiiiieek,What is it?"
"Chiiieeek, report captain,met Demon in forest,demon killed tribe hunters" they said wanting to see the reaction of their captain.
" What,demon...demon killed goblins,was demon powerful?"he asked
"Chieekk...no demon weak and now demon bleeding chieeekkkk."Having heard their answer,the goblin captain smiled,that smile was so devious that the two goblins shivered.
"Good, go enjoy and reward give to you." After they heard the captain orders,the two goblins went away,while the goblin captain made his way somewhere.He was going to the chieftain.He continued, going down straight entering deeper and deeper.As he was going the number of paths started diminishing till there was only one.This single path led to an entrance and security there was tight.But he only needed to nod as the guards recognizing him let him pass.Midway to the throne room,he met one of the most powerful goblin,the vice chieftain.
In the goblin society, Hobgoblin were considered elite fighters and they were quite powerful compared to others,but even they weren't at the peak of the race as every now and then the ultimate fighter would be born.Those are the strongest and were generally only inferior to the chieftain and would usually become his right hand and sometimes some would even challenge his position. So it was normal for the captain to immediately bow a great sign of respect reserved for the strong.Together they made their way to the chieftain,the vice chieftain in the front and the captain following him behind keeping a respectful distance between them.
Seating on a throne made of bones situated situated at the center of the room,the goblin chieftain was watching his Subordinates bowing towards him.Satisfied, he gestured them to stand up, on his left,standing was a goblin in a red robe.This goblin seemed quite old and had a weird looking staff in his hands.The weird goblin took parole and said to the poor hobgoblin captain who was sweating before the power that was pressing him down.
" What are doing here? What is so important that you could not wait and made you report directly to the chieftain? Chiiieekk"
" chiiieek.....Chief,news I have,goblins hunters being killed by demon...." The captain couldn't even finish before he heard a thunderous " What " coming from the vice chieftain and the goblin chieftain asked:" A Demon, are you sure about these reports,his expression turning serious" and softer so that only he could heard he said" is it someone from that person...".
" Chieekk, confirmed witnesses, saw everything they."This confirmation augmented the degree of uneasiness in the room and seeing that the chieftain knew he had to do something.
"Dispatch five groups so that they could monitor this demon and I want every group composed of one captain" the chieftain said.He was thinking of dismissing the captain when the latter ajouted with hopeful eyes.
" Chieek,report said demon weak,very weak and bleeding after fight" that phrase stopped the chieftain, he took a moment and if one looked with attention,the could have see from his furrowed brows how hard he was thinking.He finally said:
"New order,monitor the demon and if he's weak capture him chieeekkk and bring him to me,go while he's injured".