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In the dark throne room,the goblin chieftain was seated,he was still thinking.Afer he gave out the order he also dismissed the captain but he still kept his closest subordinates who were standing still waiting for their lord.After a long moment the chieftain finally talked and addressed the old goblin known as the Shaman.
"What do you think elder, should we inform that person about the demon?"
The Shaman took a moment considering the question.The chieftain waited for him as he respected his advice because of his seemingly boundless wisdom.Fifty years ago the old goblin was the leader of the tribe and till now he could not be sure that he could defeat him.Yes,he did not defeat the the goblin shaman when he took leadership of the tribe, the old goblin simply gave it to him.The shaman deep as always took his time and then answered:
"I think you should do it because remember the only reason we can still keep those mutts at bay is their help."
" But if this demon is really a newborn we should take him and try to raise him as making him sign a..... may be beneficial latter when he becomes one of them or we could even use him for his bloodline...."countered the chief with a greedy look.
"Chieekk, no the chances are low and the risks are immense,let's just inform that person,maybe then he will send one of his people to take care of these mutts and he could also help you reach the peak of your level."
Having listened carefully,the chief pondered and finally said to the vice-chieftain who was silently standing there without ever participating in the conversation.
"Chiiiieek...,bring the thing that person gave us I will tell him about the demon"because he knew that the one known as the shaman was a wise goblin and he has seen so many things in his lifetime and if there was something that he reportedly told him that scared him was the mystery around the identity of their backer because even the old goblin with all his years of experience said that he could not even start to understand what kind of existence he was.To them the one behind them was a rock and nobody knew who or what he looked like, they only knew he was Demon.He was nobility.
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Balthazar was daydreaming,he was currently laying down and was contemplating the sunset.Even though he did not know where he was going to sleep,he was calmly taking things.After he got information about Quatlas,his new world,he gave it a lot of thought and after deliberation he decided that he was going to take things one step at a time.The air was very pure and the tranquility of the place was refreshing.For Baaz, someone who was used to a life full of noise and movement,the change of pace was a delicious novelty.His wounds were mostly closed up by now and he was hopeful that they would be healed by tomorrow. Caught in his world Baaz stayed there unaware of his surroundings,it was logic that he would be unaware of the happenings so he did not notice the subtle fragrance that was progressively spreading.A feeling of uneasiness arose from him when he remarked how eerily silent the place became and how the pleasant vibe changed.It was already too late by then as Baaz found himself getting sleepy,and his vision was starting to blur, the bushes around him started to shake as if possessed and goblins started pouring out.
" What the fuckkk..." that all he had the time to say before jolting himself to a standing position.
The goblins rapidly positionned themselves in a position to cut all possiblities of retreat,they were currently five and they were armed.Some carried daggers,some carried short sword and a five foot muscled one was carrying an axe that looked very sharp.Baaz's mind started working at high speed,his eyes started questioning other places and he started backing out towards the river.Seeing his cautious maneuver the goblins started laughing and he furrowed his brows what was he missing? His answer came seconds later when he saw five other goblins coming on his right and the ones already here went to his left making an arc shape,he was trapped.
Baaz knew it was over,ten goblins were encircling him and he was bare handed and they were armed,he didn't even know how to fight.At the center of the formation a Hobgoblin appeared,it was the one carrying an axe,he advanced and stopped ten meters away from him.He looked at him and said:
" Demon chieeekkkk, chef you want,come weak demon no resist."with a smile on it's face.A foreboding feeling arose inside Baaz and for the first time,he used a skill.It was inspect,it rapidly displayed the level of all the beings here.The majority of the goblins here were only level 11,only four of them were higher,three of whom their levels were between 19 and 24 and the Hobgoblin was leve 55.
" Yes ,I'm definitely fucked"that was what he was thinking.Baaz decided to probe their intentions by asking him a question
"What does your chief need from me?"
"Weak demon,Chiiiieek no need to know,chief want you,weak no question strong".
Having said his piece the Hobgoblin returned to his place while Baaz was standing there frozen,the words repeatedly playing in his ears.
The weak doesn't question the strong,they only get preyed on.One of the most fundamentals laws that governs nature.This Hobgoblin right now would not give him a defined answer because he was weak had he been strong he was sure that by now all of them would be at his feet groveling, no they would have not come here.While he stood there reflecting on the answer he was given one of the low leveld goblins having lost patience,jumped on him trying to pin him down.This left a gap, a gap that Baaz whose reflexes and high agility allowed to step out of the reach of the goblin.He ran through the gap left and ran away, leaving the stupefied goblins behind.The not so bright goblins just stood there, surprised by the speed that the demon showed as he went past them.
The Hobgoblin was the first to run after Baaz and he was immediately followed by the high leveled ones.Seeing their superiors act the others quickly gave chase leaving their brethren on the ground,still shook by its miss.
The poor goblin was still dizzy,he had miscalculated; the demon was too fast.It quickly stood up but fall down right after.While he laid down on the ground still massaging his head,a head popped out of the river.The head was gigantic,it was about ten foot long and eight foot large,it was adorned with scales that seemed sturdy an two pairs of golden eyes observed the dazed goblin.With a speed that was definitely inhuman it launched himself and quickly swallowed the goblin.The head disappear going back under the waters,leaving on the ground only a dagger,the only proof that could show that a being was here.This is how it is in the Wildes, the moment they abandoned the goblin his fate was already sealed.